Zeta Junior from assistant coach to Academy coach

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I guess Kreamer coaches Zeta academy A while Junior coaches Zeta academy B 😂😂


Imagine having 2 academy teams, 6 coaches, and not qualifying for anything

archetype [#2]

Imagine having 2 academy teams, 6 coaches, and not qualifying for anything

3 of the 6 ahave separated only 3 more.
Zeta is about to build an EG in the academy team 💀💀💀

IonlywatchvcjXD [#3]

3 of the 6 ahave separated only 3 more.
Zeta is about to build an EG in the academy team 💀💀💀

mfers have 2 different internal scrim partners and 2 coaches per side, up to 4 observers per internal scrim and they still get 0-13 on a map they floated LMFAO can these fuckers find better management holy shit their Reykjavik run is the only thing keeping this team from receiving DFM levels of clownery

JP management is different bro. ZETA hire the weirdest coaches and make the slowest roster changes, CR fucking forgot to submit their paperwork for Partnership, DFM bullied one of their LoL players to the brink of suicide, FL's GC coach had sex with a minor, some org signed a player who cheated on his wife (Fisker I think?), like holy shit bruh

archetype [#4]

mfers have 2 different internal scrim partners and 2 coaches per side, up to 4 observers per internal scrim and they still get 0-13 on a map they floated LMFAO can these fuckers find better management holy shit their Reykjavik run is the only thing keeping this team from receiving DFM levels of clownery

JP management is different bro. ZETA hire the weirdest coaches and make the slowest roster changes, CR fucking forgot to submit their paperwork for Partnership, DFM bullied one of their LoL players to the brink of suicide, FL's GC coach had sex with a minor, some org signed a player who cheated on his wife (Fisker I think?), like holy shit bruh

Hope Zeta got some wake up calls now

IonlywatchvcjXD [#5]

Hope Zeta got some wake up calls now

These guys only decided to cut crow at the end of the fucking season and still kept him as an assistant coach. I'm 100% convinced Laz is the only one on that team hungry for a fucking win. Dep and SugarZ3ro maybe but they don't show anywhere near the same level of drive as Laz.

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