HELP: How do you guys improve your aim

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Plat player here I suck at the FKING game no matter how much I play, I always lose in fights where I have the advantage and I always set myself up for fights like those because it's the only way I can kill my opponent.

I do team deathmatch before comp to improve my aim but I get clapped by dia,asc and immortals.

Please state ur rank if u reply just curious

EDIT: is there any peeking methods I can learn

What I've learned:
Get better mental, believe you'll win the fights. Try lowering sens. Btw what sens are u guys on


Immortal player here.

idk i just shoot people.


Maybe do the range a lil too? That helped me be more consistent. I do the medium bots and the strafe bots.


good sens and practice imo

yaiima0 [#3]

Maybe do the range a lil too? That helped me be more consistent. I do the medium bots and the strafe bots.

I always aim at the head but hit the body


instalock duelist and swing everything(i'm also plat)


u need to find a good sens for urself preferably low sens


I stopped caring and it made me into a better player somehow lol. I used to play super safe and try my hardest to win and I had like a 0.8 kd with a 20% hs. This act I've just been instalocking deadlock and running at the enemies and my stats have improved significantly so in my experience the less you worry about the result the better you'll play

currently asc 3 as I haven't played that much but my peak is immo 3 500rr and I usually end around immo 3.


not even gonna lie on a good day plats/diamonds can out aim ascendants like the gap really isn’t that big esp if u hold off angles

im dia but i’ve gotten some asc in my lobbies sometimes which dont look special but i cant tell if they’re just washed


As a plat player who also has had a slump recently I just try my best if I have a 6 game loss streak I'll win 6 games somewhere down the road and try to not get tilted by your teammates (idk why but all the diamonds I get are always shit I honestly think gold players are better anyway)

omegaishere [#5]

I always aim at the head but hit the body

try other resolutions and sens maybe

Galactc [#10]

As a plat player who also has had a slump recently I just try my best if I have a 6 game loss streak I'll win 6 games somewhere down the road and try to not get tilted by your teammates (idk why but all the diamonds I get are always shit I honestly think gold players are better anyway)

sometimes val legit feels like a game of who woke up on the right side of the bed icl


watch the demon1 aim routine 2024 that shit will help you out 🔥 🐐


get better


it's genetics you're done


I have great aim from doing endless 1v1s back is csgo but I was losing a lot of duels when I moved to valorant, realised it was mostly my confidence and movement

as soon as I fixed my confidence and movement, I started winning duels and nowadays (even though im playing on a second account to play with my friends) I have a 60% duel win rate on smokes

for improving your aim, really focus on what is your problem, look at the DMs and focus on different things, make sure your sens feel right and if it does feel right NEVER change it if you want to stay consistent


watch a vod from s0m

cohnr [#16]

I have great aim from doing endless 1v1s back is csgo but I was losing a lot of duels when I moved to valorant, realised it was mostly my confidence and movement

as soon as I fixed my confidence and movement, I started winning duels and nowadays (even though im playing on a second account to play with my friends) I have a 60% duel win rate on smokes

for improving your aim, really focus on what is your problem, look at the DMs and focus on different things, make sure your sens feel right and if it does feel right NEVER change it if you want to stay consistent

My sens is ok, the problem is when I see an opponent far away I just can't hit their head, my brain just blurs out when they strafe

Diebs [#7]

u need to find a good sens for urself preferably low sens

I used to play on 0.6 1.6k dpi but now I play on 1.6k dpi 0.24 and it's much better

SAMPV6 [#15]

it's genetics you're done

Might be tbh cuz Im just so bad for how long I've played

catNmouse [#13]

watch the demon1 aim routine 2024 that shit will help you out 🔥 🐐

Heard ppl said that it's a dead routine

omegaishere [#19]

I used to play on 0.6 1.6k dpi but now I play on 1.6k dpi 0.24 and it's much better

0.6 1.6k dpi

fucking diabolical

omegaishere [#19]

I used to play on 0.6 1.6k dpi but now I play on 1.6k dpi 0.24 and it's much better

ok thats why you are bad

chrlxz [#23]

ok thats why you are bad

I used to like a year ago

omegaishere [#24]

I used to like a year ago


h1gh_fall [#11]

try other resolutions and sens maybe

I tried true stretched the other day and it was horrible, the enemies come peek like they are all playing neon it's too fast

omegaishere [#18]

My sens is ok, the problem is when I see an opponent far away I just can't hit their head, my brain just blurs out when they strafe

most map u have the potential to just not fight it and reposition to fight closer.

hfmi0dzjc9z7BiggestFan [#8]

I stopped caring and it made me into a better player somehow lol. I used to play super safe and try my hardest to win and I had like a 0.8 kd with a 20% hs. This act I've just been instalocking deadlock and running at the enemies and my stats have improved significantly so in my experience the less you worry about the result the better you'll play

currently asc 3 as I haven't played that much but my peak is immo 3 500rr and I usually end around immo 3.

I play for the victory not for kills but when I do come into an engagement I lose for a stupid reason, I always tell myself to tap but then I spray at the worst times

333triplethreat [#27]

most map u have the potential to just not fight it and reposition to fight closer.

Yea I try to create scenarios where I am closer to the enemy and I will honestly say I'm insane when it comes to close range fights


Good crosshair placement and game sense, the rest you will learn playing, maybe a lil bit of dm, but not too much, watch vods, learn how to punish players, work on your movement, find a good sens, play a lot of games, study where are you struggling, the "aim" part is a lil bit of what it takes to kill in this game, learn everything about every agent, i got ascendant one year ago, watching vods and with a friend giving me coach, aimlabs will not help you bro

Edit: a lot of young people have good aim because they ate fps since they were little, its a thing that you become good at overtime, just not play mindless, try to internalize everything that you learn, eventually you will do everything automatically

heavensentsaint [#12]

sometimes val legit feels like a game of who woke up on the right side of the bed icl

Yeah it just switches things up whenever for no reason one day you win 4 games and the next you lose 4 as well


I pretty much only use DMs to aim train, but I try to practice movement and crosshair placement. It's actually helped me a lot, like my aim has improved significantly as a result. I do think my sens/dpi combo is a little too high, but I've been using it for so long that I don't want to change it.

I'm a low elo player (G3 peak), but I do think that just practicing on specific aspects of taking gunfights, not just straight-up aim, will help a lot. Just working on movement or where you're putting your crosshair when holding angles, will honestly help your aim more than flicking, or spray control.

If you're wondering about how to improve performance, I think just try to improve your mental. Tbh, you probably have better aim than you think, you just have to make sure you're not getting frustrated from slow starts. I have shit mental, and something that helped was putting on music at low volume. It helped take my mind off the game to the point where even after slow starts my aim would pick up eventually. Sometimes all you really need is just to hit that one shot, and your aim just comes alive.

Redred [#30]

Good crosshair placement and game sense, the rest you will learn playing, maybe a lil bit of dm, but not too much, watch vods, learn how to punish players, work on your movement, find a good sens, play a lot of games, study where are you struggling, the "aim" part is a lil bit of what it takes to kill in this game, learn everything about every agent, i got ascendant one year ago, watching vods and with a friend giving me coach, aimlabs will not help you bro

Edit: a lot of young people have good aim because they ate fps since they were little, its a thing that you become good at overtime, just not play mindless, try to internalize everything that you learn, eventually you will do everything automatically

Yea I honestly think aimlab sucks

StutterSt3p [#32]

I pretty much only use DMs to aim train, but I try to practice movement and crosshair placement. It's actually helped me a lot, like my aim has improved significantly as a result. I do think my sens/dpi combo is a little too high, but I've been using it for so long that I don't want to change it.

I'm a low elo player (G3 peak), but I do think that just practicing on specific aspects of taking gunfights, not just straight-up aim, will help a lot. Just working on movement or where you're putting your crosshair when holding angles, will honestly help your aim more than flicking, or spray control.

If you're wondering about how to improve performance, I think just try to improve your mental. Tbh, you probably have better aim than you think, you just have to make sure you're not getting frustrated from slow starts. I have shit mental, and something that helped was putting on music at low volume. It helped take my mind off the game to the point where even after slow starts my aim would pick up eventually. Sometimes all you really need is just to hit that one shot, and your aim just comes alive.

Your right about the mental part. Whenever I take a gun fight I think I lost whilst fighting the opponent.

omegaishere [#33]

Yea I honestly think aimlab sucks

Another thing, use placebos at your favor, how the games feels matter a lot more than what the game "is" like tenz probably use true stretched not because its better, but because he likes it, its the same about crosshair and skins, mouse etc even keyboards

omegaishere [#19]

I used to play on 0.6 1.6k dpi but now I play on 1.6k dpi 0.24 and it's much better

yeah I'm also on 1200 0.5 but I'm too lazy to change it and don't really care

omegaishere [#34]

Your right about the mental part. Whenever I take a gun fight I think I lost whilst fighting the opponent.

You gotta think the opposite. You have to believe in your aim, otherwise you're gonna miss a lot of shots you'd hit in a DM.

Redred [#35]

Another thing, use placebos at your favor, how the games feels matter a lot more than what the game "is" like tenz probably use true stretched not because its better, but because he likes it, its the same about crosshair and skins, mouse etc even keyboards

I like those two konpeki videos
Also heres a playlist for vod review

omegaishere [#28]

I play for the victory not for kills but when I do come into an engagement I lose for a stupid reason, I always tell myself to tap but then I spray at the worst times

sounds distinctly like nerves. A lot of my friends tilt and then start to crouch spray and play imperfectly. Try to not place as much emphasis on the gunfights, as well as practice breaking habits in low stress gamemodes like dm. I play and aim much better when I am carefree, regardless of the rank and setting. If you can work to break the habit of putting pressure on yourself it will help a great deal. Otherwise, try to put in time consistently in a measured manner, such that you practice only good habits as well.

no1_chichoo_enjoyer [#39]

sounds distinctly like nerves. A lot of my friends tilt and then start to crouch spray and play imperfectly. Try to not place as much emphasis on the gunfights, as well as practice breaking habits in low stress gamemodes like dm. I play and aim much better when I am carefree, regardless of the rank and setting. If you can work to break the habit of putting pressure on yourself it will help a great deal. Otherwise, try to put in time consistently in a measured manner, such that you practice only good habits as well.

I see I'll try my best man thanks

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