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one of the most util stacked agent, yet is so underused. I'm wondering if its because no player has "mastered" YORU or if teams cba to make him work. I understand hes not a dive agent but on certain maps like icebox, ascent and haven; he seems so valuable. The ultimate is a guaranteed site take or site retake. Thoughts?


high floor high ceiling. takes long time to master. look at eggsterr for example

zhongZHI [#2]

high floor high ceiling. takes long time to master. look at eggsterr for example

yeah, but surprised no team is pushing their duelist/flex to learn him as to how broken this guy is. 2 flashes 2 tps and a clone? brother can fight 2 places at the same time lol


i hope th start using miniboo´s yoru more, it´s sad that they try to make him play neon every map

kalayav_n [#3]

yeah, but surprised no team is pushing their duelist/flex to learn him as to how broken this guy is. 2 flashes 2 tps and a clone? brother can fight 2 places at the same time lol

hes definitely the best duelist in the right hands. the map control and stuff u can do. like imagine placing clone on one site faking its the heavier side and pushing them into the strong side. its very very strong

zhongZHI [#5]

hes definitely the best duelist in the right hands. the map control and stuff u can do. like imagine placing clone on one site faking its the heavier side and pushing them into the strong side. its very very strong

yeah, only players i see are marteen, derke and takas using him.

KITTT [#4]

i hope th start using miniboo´s yoru more, it´s sad that they try to make him play neon every map

Isn't woot duelist?


At the end of the day, it's all about opportunity cost. On most maps, yoru has to be a secondary duelist due to his lack of ability to dive easily. Yoru would normally replace a flash initiator (similar to how he replaced skye in PRX's triple duelist split comp) but even then there are issues with information. Pretty much every flash initiator except breach in the game has an info gathering ability which makes mid round significantly easier to play. Now, solo duelist on yoru is an interesting idea because it can give a stupid amount of fire power with the number of flashes you can run in a comp, but I think most teams prefer a proper dive agent. Besides all that, I'm still with you that his pick rate is surprisingly low. He could definitely be very good on maps with high rotation times (similar to neon) and flashes are stupidly good anyway.

kalayav_n [#7]

Isn't woot duelist?


kalayav_n [#3]

yeah, but surprised no team is pushing their duelist/flex to learn him as to how broken this guy is. 2 flashes 2 tps and a clone? brother can fight 2 places at the same time lol

fpx life is, he doesnt play the most sane yoru, but they are pushing for it

Upstander123 [#8]

At the end of the day, it's all about opportunity cost. On most maps, yoru has to be a secondary duelist due to his lack of ability to dive easily. Yoru would normally replace a flash initiator (similar to how he replaced skye in PRX's triple duelist split comp) but even then there are issues with information. Pretty much every flash initiator except breach in the game has an info gathering ability which makes mid round significantly easier to play. Now, solo duelist on yoru is an interesting idea because it can give a stupid amount of fire power with the number of flashes you can run in a comp, but I think most teams prefer a proper dive agent. Besides all that, I'm still with you that his pick rate is surprisingly low. He could definitely be very good on maps with high rotation times (similar to neon) and flashes are stupidly good anyway.

in maps like icebox, ascent, haven he is the best duelist on that map hands down.

kalayav_n [#7]

Isn't woot duelist?

woot says he hates playing duelist

kalayav_n [#7]

Isn't woot duelist?

no and imo miniboo´s yoru is better than his neon and can be abused on maps like haven, even abyss, sunset etc.

kalayav_n [#11]

in maps like icebox, ascent, haven he is the best duelist on that map hands down.

Eh, I don't think he's the best duelist on icebox because there are better options. Jett has so many angles to play on icebox due to the elevation (think of how many random boxes jett plays on). Compared to other duelists tho, yoru is on the same level or even better on icebox though. However, I do see the vision on haven and frankly I'm surprised at how little people play yoru haven. If one plays their card's right, you can pretty much have 3 on a site every time imo. Ascent is still iffy for me, but I honestly am a believer now after koalanoob showed off his yoru

Upstander123 [#14]

Eh, I don't think he's the best duelist on icebox because there are better options. Jett has so many angles to play on icebox due to the elevation (think of how many random boxes jett plays on). Compared to other duelists tho, yoru is on the same level or even better on icebox though. However, I do see the vision on haven and frankly I'm surprised at how little people play yoru haven. If one plays their card's right, you can pretty much have 3 on a site every time imo. Ascent is still iffy for me, but I honestly am a believer now after koalanoob showed off his yoru

I see what you mean but the trade off you can have is that you can TP without being in risk at all. Get a kill in cubby and tp instead of having to dash away and risking getting bullet spammed. You can also rotate faster than any agent in the game. You should watch LOUD vs GEN G at madrid when they played YORU on ascent; even though they didn't win the ideas were fucking great.



It seems the sheeple are figuring it out finally...


Very high ceiling and takes lots of time to master

If you want to watch a yoru main with mastery, you can watch LotharHS. He has every single fundamental down on that agent.

You can’t just be a noob and play the agent and then expect to do something


yoru is probably the best secondary duelist, that being said, the current meta doesnt have room for secondary duelist since the meta rn is just going double initiator. its also just annoying to sub out a dive duelist for a duelist who cant dive, has no mollies for post plants, and only has significance in retakes. and like before, initiators are just better for retakes anyways. I dont think he needs a buff, i just think once the meta shifts out of having double initiator or double controller, there could be room for him

1ndrafps [#18]

yoru is probably the best secondary duelist, that being said, the current meta doesnt have room for secondary duelist since the meta rn is just going double initiator. its also just annoying to sub out a dive duelist for a duelist who cant dive, has no mollies for post plants, and only has significance in retakes. and like before, initiators are just better for retakes anyways. I dont think he needs a buff, i just think once the meta shifts out of having double initiator or double controller, there could be room for him

haven, icebox and ascent? you dont need to force yoru on every map lol but he clears any duelist in those maps because they are not dive heavy. His tp does the trick especially on icebox with no need for a real dive agent.

Nachtel [#16]


It seems the sheeple are figuring it out finally...

been knew bro

kalayav_n [#20]

been knew bro

Smirks I have been studying the art of Yoru for years now....!

kalayav_n [#19]

haven, icebox and ascent? you dont need to force yoru on every map lol but he clears any duelist in those maps because they are not dive heavy. His tp does the trick especially on icebox with no need for a real dive agent.

ascent is untouched, jett is the easier agent to set up in team coordinated play, every ascent comp is typically jett, kayo, sova, kj, omen. icebox is a map that literally doesnt need a duelist, in fact most top level teams in pro play dont run a duelist, bc double controller and double initator is just stronger to dump util on sites and post plants, and if they do run a duelist its reyna or jett. haven is probably the most default heavy map in the pool rn, and every site ur better off having jett or neon, depending on if ur comp is attack or defender sided. yoru does not clear every duelist on any of these maps.... and stats show it

sentinelmain377 [#17]

Very high ceiling and takes lots of time to master

If you want to watch a yoru main with mastery, you can watch LotharHS. He has every single fundamental down on that agent.

You can’t just be a noob and play the agent and then expect to do something

Eggsterr is better to me. ive tried mastering yoru and its like i can see the potential but i cant do it

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