I'm mainly an NA watcher, but I was wondering what they main differences you noticed between NA, EU, and APAC gameplay and strats.
From other e-sports, I've noticed different regions often are more or less aggressive or play a specific meta.
NA is more chaotic and relies on heroics from star players. This is because NA has the best duelists in the league.
EMEA is slower paced, util-heavy, heavily strategy based. This is because EU has the best Sentinels/Initiators
APAC is very very heavy on teamwork and is a mix of both aside from some outliers (PRX). For example, Gen G look like a fucking unit out there. As if everyone was being controlled by the same person.
I have no clue about China
apac is aggro/execute heavy prefers flexibilty
EU is slow/mid round heavy prefers standard play (even there yoru stuff fits in cause they usually play him for flashes)
NA is a execute heavy default style prefers consistent roles somehow more chaos than apac
CN hasn't developed a style but seems similar to apac(prx in specific) but they LOVE THE AWP and weird comps
not exactly sure but
APAC = super aggressive, definitely not afraid to experiment with comps (GENG running astra on breeze, any PRX comp lol), aim demons + nice team play at times
EU = used to be super slow and methodical with good trap plays, but I feel this year they've been more aggressive and more experimental with comps (TH running Neon before buffs, teams trying Yoru on Split, etc.)
NA = tend to play closest to the accepted "meta" i guess when compared to the other regions
To be fair I mainly watch NA so sample size of games is low for other regions so I could be completely wrong.
NA = run, gun and pray. just a block with 5 individuals running together and entering a bombsite. close to zero tactics involved but atleast good coordination on utility usage
EMEA = best region in the game, S tier tactics and kind of slow gameplay.
Brazil = very similiar to EMEA
i dont watch apac enough