Abyss' weird meta

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I feel like riot has specifically designed abyss to increase agent diversity.

Cypher and killjoy are mediocre, so i think chamber will be strongest on this map.
Dome smokes feel underwhelming on the chokes, and range is freqently an issue. I think harbor and Astra might be optimal picks on this map.
Duelists are already pretty diverse.
And i think Gekko, breach and fade are the best initators.

Also, Deadlock feels awful on this map :(

Hopefully some interesting comps to appear in pro!




nah i think cypher and killjoy cam/turret can be very good on the long lanes


I don't think current Chamber can be the strongest sentinel on any map right now


cypher is strong on abyss


Cypher is a must-have on abyss, both for A site and for flank watch.


Deadlock feels amazing to play on Abyss. I don't think you're playing her to her strengths if you're not finding value with her

ButterflyEffect23 [#4]

I don't think current Chamber can be the strongest sentinel on any map right now

maybe bind

kfan4238173 [#3]

nah i think cypher and killjoy cam/turret can be very good on the long lanes

The turret and cam are always decent but the nanos and trips feel hella underwhelming. Kj ult is also dogwater, so shes unusable.

ButterflyEffect23 [#4]

I don't think current Chamber can be the strongest sentinel on any map right now

I think he can be, on an oping map where other sentinels arent good. I think hes the best at holding A consistently.

Cheasle2 [#9]

The turret and cam are always decent but the nanos and trips feel hella underwhelming. Kj ult is also dogwater, so shes unusable.

i think cypher is usable
cage is useful
cam is useful
trips can be useful if you have prep

cloudberry [#7]

Deadlock feels amazing to play on Abyss. I don't think you're playing her to her strengths if you're not finding value with her

Eh, i feel like decent teams can easily exploit her weaknesses on this map.

Cheasle2 [#12]

Eh, i feel like decent teams can easily exploit her weaknesses on this map.

How do you think she'll be played?

cloudberry [#13]

How do you think she'll be played?

Problem is theres no good spot for her to play off her util on A, swinging backsite off a trip feels terrible, and spreading your util thinner/playing more passive will just cause them to wrap the whole site.

She's good on B, but anyone can hold B. Holding A is rly important and i feel like thats a fatal flaw.


Abyss is massive and really lurky, you will need any sort of passive info, and cypher/kj will be the best for that. Argument can be made for either as KJs lockdown is really hard to deal with, but her range issues are bad. Cypher can provide a lot of value, but then you lose the lockdown. With chamber you also get less info, range issues, and you are asked more to play with your util. Deadlock would require a special comp, her with any other sentinel could work, assuming you have a game plan to work with what you are missing out.

For smokes, it will either be solo 1 like omen or brim, or double with one wall smokes.

Dive duelists will excel imo, its a map with a lot of weird angles, and being able to abuse them with dashes or satchels will be for the best, especially because without a way to burst in to site, cypher and an anti flash set up would eat you alive.

Breach and Fade/Kay o imo are going to be the better ones.

So I think it will actually be played out really similar to Haven in terms of comp, but more classic haven then the Iso Neon revolution we are seeing.


WhoseTao [#15]

Abyss is massive and really lurky, you will need any sort of passive info, and cypher/kj will be the best for that. Argument can be made for either as KJs lockdown is really hard to deal with, but her range issues are bad. Cypher can provide a lot of value, but then you lose the lockdown. With chamber you also get less info, range issues, and you are asked more to play with your util. Deadlock would require a special comp, her with any other sentinel could work, assuming you have a game plan to work with what you are missing out.

For smokes, it will either be solo 1 like omen or brim, or double with one wall smokes.

Dive duelists will excel imo, its a map with a lot of weird angles, and being able to abuse them with dashes or satchels will be for the best, especially because without a way to burst in to site, cypher and an anti flash set up would eat you alive.

Breach and Fade/Kay o imo are going to be the better ones.

So I think it will actually be played out really similar to Haven in terms of comp, but more classic haven then the Iso Neon revolution we are seeing.


Are there any good lockdown spots? Especially on attack

nobody___100 [#11]

i think cypher is usable
cage is useful
cam is useful
trips can be useful if you have prep

Yeah cypher is definitely the most playable, but i feel like chamber gets crazy value playing A and Mid (specifically mid which i think cypher steuggles to hold). But it wouldnt suprise me if we saw a lot of cypher played - hes just hella strong in general rn.

Cheasle2 [#16]

Are there any good lockdown spots? Especially on attack

Outside of A main, to the right is a pretty easy spot, will get all of heaven and you'll just have a bit of back site open, but any flash or stun to punish works. B is a little trickier but top of the ledge would only leave heaven exposed, so just smoke it off and throw a molly in or again stun into a spam. Otherwise a little to the right of B main, it isnt that good, because back site wont get hit, but youre gonna have to use util to push them off.


Uh no, omen is the best smoker on the map imo. Viper maybe for the mid walls but b site omen is so strong, and a site only has one choke point. Cypher can be very strong on the map but yeah kj is kind of bad apart from her turret on the map. Breach however looks like a super strong pick on this map, which I agree with.

Cheasle2 [#17]

Yeah cypher is definitely the most playable, but i feel like chamber gets crazy value playing A and Mid (specifically mid which i think cypher steuggles to hold). But it wouldnt suprise me if we saw a lot of cypher played - hes just hella strong in general rn.

chamber could be played but i think most teams will just go jett and cypher if they want an oper

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