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the thread is saying that TH is the best team rn

the only evidence for this claim is that they got 2nd (in a beatdown) "wHiLe pLaYinG WiTh a sUB"

I provided a match where they didn't have a sub, and they lost a bo5 to a team any franchised team should be embarassed to lose to.

Not enough? Too long ago? "nOt TrYiNg iN ofFsEaSoN"


Lost bo5 in reverse sweep to 2024 Fnatic (winless internationally, fighting for their life against BBL)

So what's the evidence for saying that Heretics is the best team rn? Beating Navi (washed for years atp)? Beating Fut (never been good)?


have u ever heard of improvement??? U literally seeing improvement infront of ur eyes retard. TH go from losing to ucam to take FNATIC the 2 time and best team itw of 2023 to 5 maps. U gotta be like some specimen made in a lab


I'll make it easy for you. Make the case for why Heretics is the best team in the world right now without using the phrase
"playing with sub" or anything related to that. And specifically, why they are forsure better than GEN.G.


They aren't tho they like top 3 sen is the best but I can say why they are top 3.

TH mechanically are the 2nd best team itw even with or without the sub behind geng.
Their mid rounding is top 3 and their starts are fucking phenomenal.
Gen.G obviously had more experience playing in a grand finals and they prob really wanted that win bc of what happened in Madrid but them getting to 5 maps in TH first grand finals is not easy.
I wouldn't even count or ever said patitiek was a sub bc he played with them in kickoff and madrid.


when will u kids learn not to take the bait

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