They'll probably kick lightningfast (one of their best) and bring in someone washed like soulcas
badutsirkus [#3]if they do i'll learn indian and spam rushindra's stream with hate
Indian is not a language,
We speak different languages majority of North speaks hindi and we South Indians have 4 languages for 5 states
Tsikhamani [#7]Indian is not a language,
We speak different languages majority of North speaks hindi and we South Indians have 4 languages for 5 states
sorry bro, shouldve specified its hindi
Tsikhamani [#7]Indian is not a language,
We speak different languages majority of North speaks hindi and we South Indians have 4 languages for 5 states
Off topic but how do ya all speak in like the parliament
VEDANtt [#20]Hindi national language
India has no national language vedant!!
Hindi is widely spoken just like english but hindi is not my country's national language
zahin1018 [#18]Off topic but how do ya all speak in like the parliament
South Indian's speak English, 1% other speak Punjabi and the rest hindi and some educated politicians speak English!!
ClownOrgsofIndia [#6]They should kick fraud coach sp0n, polvi, r0ss (Pushpindra should be kicked too but he is the owner so they can't kick him)
+Venka (if he is available)
+Techno (kick lightning fast low elo player)
They can add Kohli but he inconsistent and will have role clashes with Techno.
Venka is 17th!!
Lf should play sentinel, he's good on it!!
ClownOrgsofIndia [#6]They should kick fraud coach sp0n, polvi, r0ss (Pushpindra should be kicked too but he is the owner so they can't kick him)
+Venka (if he is available)
+Techno (kick lightning fast low elo player)
They can add Kohli but he inconsistent and will have role clashes with Techno.
low elo player?
PessiPenaldo17 [#10]That LF guys is also bad . Look at his stats pretty sure there are better players than him in that SA region
Actually not,
Sadly it's no, there are more worst players then him
PessiPenaldo17 [#10]That LF guys is also bad . Look at his stats pretty sure there are better players than him in that SA region
There are but he is an OG GE member so obviously staff and owners prefer him and Skrossi over other Indians.
Rushi did say that he likes RVK and Rawfiul as players too let's see if he goes for them now that they are available even though both are in bit of slump recently
Invic_Deep [#12]There are but he is an OG GE member so obviously staff and owners prefer him and Skrossi over other Indians.
Rushi did say that he likes RVK and Rawfiul as players too let's see if he goes for them now that they are available even though both are in bit of slump recently
SA fans hype techno Venka a lot why not sign them
PessiPenaldo17 [#13]SA fans hype techno Venka a lot why not sign them
Venka is underage + he don't want to play in this shitty region due to his academics ngl him and techno was built for sea and NA region
PessiPenaldo17 [#13]SA fans hype techno Venka a lot why not sign them
I just worry about Skrossi situation repeating all over again nothing else. Bcz my countrymen love flashiness a little too much over other factors like consistency,gamesense and util usage.
But I am all in for Techno to GE, he looks ready really but not so much for Venka as of now
Aayan [#23]i guess soulcas is half indian atleast
I never knew soulcas was Indian. no wonder he so inconsistent. got that skrossi blood in him