fixing team liquid(extremely fucking difficult)

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team liquid is completely done for this season and need to kick 5/6 including coach
you keep nAts only obviously
as for the others:
Mistic is simply not cut out for tier 1 and idk why its taken so many attempts for this to become clear enough to where SURELY, TEAMS WILL STOP SIGNING THIS GUY! hmmmmmmmmmm but what if we gave him another chance maybe surely it will work this time guys i promise this guy is finally not a bot ignore him standing on TV on split A site against a breach ult because the top part of his screen is just not something he's ever looked at ig who cares about what ults the enemy team has because we can just gamble that they won't use them! that'll work against Ardiis, who was one of the best performing initiators in split 1 surely....
fuck i hate Mistic so much the way he plays the game pisses me off on a fundamental level
Keiko is a purely below average duelist, i'd be down to keep him and try to keep developing him if i'm liquid as he is quite new to the scene, but in a perfect world you replace him
Enzo is a bad caller and bad player lol send him on his merry way
Jamppi is just painfully mid and you can do so so much better than him in this region on his role, this is THE role emea is stacked higher than the eiffel tower on

so who do you replace this dog ass shit donkey failure team with?
for Keiko, either Sayf decides not to retire and runneR gets pushed out(i think even if Sayf did stay, runneR probably would just continue to play flex, but we're talking perfect world) or KC end up kicking tomaszy(very unlikely the kid is cracked, Magnum is the only one i realistically see leaving), and liquid would pick up one of those two to return them to duelist - if you can't get either of them or some fucked up goated kid out of tier 2 that is just so obviously better than Keiko, just keep him and run it. he's not good but the team would be shit if Sayf was on this roster in his place anyway so who cares, this replacement is the lowest stakes one and the ceiling is just not that high compared to Enzo's replacement
for Mistic, liquid needs to get on their knees and beg ceNder to save them lmfao its like borderline their only option in terms of calling+playing good smokes unless they find an import that can play smokes and also call(a caller in any other role would prevent them from picking up players with better firepower, which is one of like 20 things this team is missing, unless you can find an initiator caller that is simultaneously better than Cloud, or a flex caller that is better than paTiTek, in which case you sign kAdavra to play smokes)
for Enzo, Cloud is honestly a pretty viable option - there is zero shot he is happy on giantx right now given how badly this team has flopped and i think a larger org like liquid can convince him to join a project pretty easily, this guy is still a very strong player
if you can't get Cloud sign paTiTek or MAGNUM/starxo and then kAdavra instead of ceNder
for Jamppi, you simply sign gyatTiTek
there isnt really much that needs to be said on this one hes just leagues better than Jamppi

obviously all of these pickups are decently difficult - all the IGLs i named already have a team, but Vitality is likely going to end this season in failure, GiantX will need a miracle to keep Cloud, MAGNUM's future with KC is kind of questionable, and who knows how KOI will respond to their results this season, plus paTiTek likely won't have many options that are more attractive than Team Liquid, both in org quality and in team quality
lmk thoughts


Hired Soulcas again lol

Liwus [#2]

Hired Soulcas again lol

LOL why even bother with this fucking team bro


Liquid Fix



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