Duelist a Burden

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I feel in 2024 primary duelist players that are not flexible are a burden even if they frag out.

Becoz first of all there are so many

Second most of them have 0 flexibility and affect the entire team structure

Not talking about players like aspas , zekken , miniboo , texture , marteen etc whose teams r built around them

But players like Yay , sayaplayer , Derke etc

Like Cryo adapted , i feel these player couldn't adopt tp the shift of the meta

Then there are teams who donot have any primary duelist but are still terible like NAVI , NRG


Saya can be quite flexible, and Derke has switched around a bit in the Duelist class so I would disagree with those examples. But overall I agree with your point, teams are finally learning that mechanics are a given, but proficiency in roles isn't

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