do you think they will ever do the chain knife for the champs knife?
Crypto_816 [#2]Has to be either an Axe or a Sword no?
think it might be kuronami anims too yeah prob
bobosian [#7]maybe could be a dagger
dagger inspect kinda needs an overhaul but riot will prob just copy paste all anims
heavensentsaint [#8]dagger inspect kinda needs an overhaul but riot will prob just copy paste all anims
zephyrara [#11]I would hate for it to be axe sword so boring, but if there's a champs chain I'm gonna get the whole bundle
yea if it its sword im not buying it
condsicc [#14]what do yall want in the bundle aside from the melee
😭😭 u know damn well it’s gonna be a melee + phantom for 50$
heavensentsaint [#15]😭😭 u know damn well it’s gonna be a melee + phantom for 50$
will it really still be a phantom or will they use something else like an op
condsicc [#16]will it really still be a phantom or will they use something else like an op
idk probably just gonna keep alternating between phantom vandal every year
condsicc [#16]will it really still be a phantom or will they use something else like an op
im pretty sure they said they will only keep it as phantom and vandal only