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is he actually good or are we overreacting to ranked shenanigans


he will be the new reyna in ranked, 0% playrate in proplay


nah his shield is kinda game breaking cause ops just dont kill him but his overall kit is still not good and will be very niche, not as good as yoru or something but he has some strong uses


Iso's kit was always going to be more favourable in ranked.
That type of kit will never be meta in pro play, it just lacks utility or movement.

I do think he now has the chance to be a surprise pick but will never see consistent pick rates.
Call me delusional but I reckon he could be semi-viable on lotus, focusing around re/taking mound and rubble control.

capital_d_colon [#4]

Iso's kit was always going to be more favourable in ranked.
That type of kit will never be meta in pro play, it just lacks utility or movement.

I do think he now has the chance to be a surprise pick but will never see consistent pick rates.
Call me delusional but I reckon he could be semi-viable on lotus, focusing around re/taking mound and rubble control.

has more utility than every duelist besides raze and yoru

kyro1 [#5]

has more utility than every duelist besides raze and yoru

I would also say phoenix has better utility.
What the other duelists have over Iso is better movement capabilities with jett + neon.
Will be interesting to see what happens with neon over the next few months, the recent changes seem very good however neon requires more mastery compared to be valuable.


he's broken, needs be nerfed


he will be the new reyna in ranked, 0% playrate in proplay

braindead take


most op agent rn

Epicgamer69 [#8]

braindead take

yeah, especially with that flair
he should know that something is instalocking iso and dropping 40 every game

capital_d_colon [#6]

I would also say phoenix has better utility.
What the other duelists have over Iso is better movement capabilities with jett + neon.
Will be interesting to see what happens with neon over the next few months, the recent changes seem very good however neon requires more mastery compared to be valuable.

PHOENIX??? brotha there is literally zero reason to ever play phoenix just play kayo better flash, ult, molly, and signature. iso is not a jett or raze replacement the duelist role has 2 subclasses movement and initiator hybrid who fulfill a secondary duelist type of role. the role has been very weak for a very long time thats why you only see duelists as space makers but this year you have seen the rise of yoru which proves it can be valued in pro play and iso right now is 1 or 2 small buffs away from being a top agent in the game. his shield is just good it allows you to forsake a drone and pick a initiator with better execute utility, the vuln is good especially if your primary duelist is raze bc it combos well, the ult allows you to take a key agents utility off the map and gain a man advantage, and the wall can help you push out of choke points but ill admit its a rather weak ability. all they would have to do to make this agent meta is make the wall stoppable or you cant die in iso ult. and neon is shit she has no utility now with only 1 stun which is a cosmetic ability and being forced to entry on the ground just inherently makes her weaker than raze plus raze nerf is non existent. also she cant awp like jett which is the only reason jett sees any play

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