W Gaming

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I was really rooting for PRX for this event. They were set up to win it and yet fell short again. Is it time to have the uncomfortable conversation that maybe W gaming just isn't good enough? I enjoy the wild playstyle and it's super entertaining but it seems like its more of a liability as of late. Too undisciplined to get far in internationals. What would be the next move for them? Do they just run it back or is it time to change some things up.


Jinggg just got back before this event.

I think it'd be fair to give them the Champs run to figure it out, what they do relies a lot on chemistry and timings, it shouldn't be that surprising that jinggg can't just slot back in like he never left.


PRX been figuring things out for the past 3 years and havent done shit


I agree, I think at this point its better to run it back for Champs and have a team with chemistry that can get in top 6, than replace them now and have chemistry issues and bomb out.

I do think that they need to either release mindfreak after this season unfortunately. They need to get players that can ground them while the rest run around. Jingg and Something for fragging, davai and forsaken for versatility, and then the last player should be a veteran. Still sucks for them though.


Run it back, people love PRX right 😊


All the players really thrive in chaos and most of the times they do win but most of the time opponent can really counter it and idk how are they gonna fix it


All they need is a plan B when they are getting read and W gaming isn't working


Honestly they might not even mind never winning a LAN since they generally always make it far, so the prize money tends to be good, plus by making it to most internationals, they grow their fanbase (ends up growing their bundle sales). Also their playstyle is fun to watch but likely just not enough to win a tournament.

Im guessing the decision making of the owner is largely based on what the fanbase thinks and wants, for example switching out Monyet for Jinggg was likely partially inspired by fan reception of monyet at the time and Jingggs popularity.

Sucks for the fans who really want to see them win internationally but as an owner, honestly probably doesnt get much better than that. Also their operating costs probably arent as high as the costs of other orgs, since they have such a small coaching staff (apparently Alecks has 2 analysts that work part-time, dont think that costs much though).

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