Happy pride month gamers!
Frogger0_0 [#3]i was advised not to peruse in this thread 💀💀💀💀
my lawyer told me I'm on my own if I speak 💀💀
ilovefrozenblueberries [#14]can’t believe they made a whole month to celebrate you
I am just special 🥰
inlucid [#11]how does it feels to live in the future?
bluds didnt even warn us about da thing with the aeroplanes and towers
inlucid [#11]how does it feels to live in the future?
pretty good actually i get updates to games like a day before the US
Al-Mawsil [#16]men's mental health month as well keep ur mental in check u deranged stupid fucks (me included)
look out for your mates.
Cheasle2 [#21]pretty good actually i get updates to games like a day before the US
wHy DiDnT yOu TeLl uS aBoUT 9/11
Congo1 [#19]Every homophobe on the site felt a duty to respond to this post fr
nobody is scared of gay ppl
cloudberry [#35]Was too busy trying to kill emus I think
wait wait was it like this but for australia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canadian_genocide_of_the_First_Nations
Psion [#36]wait wait was it like this but for australia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canadian_genocide_of_the_First_Nations
...what? No...
Have you not heard of the Emu War
cloudberry [#37]...what? No...
Have you not heard of the Emu War
no i have i was making fun of canada :)
cloudberry [#39]Oh, well... https://imgur.com/bGFKEZ2
The thing is
At least we’re not trying to hide it
Psion [#42]No you aren’t sneaky we still found out
You've found out absolutely nothing, relatively speaking...
cloudberry [#43]You've found out absolutely nothing, relatively speaking...
😭 you tryin to act like everything I know is in the wiki article