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Swiftmal12 [#4]gambit they look far worse in matches that mattered vs seeding matches
Kind of a good point. Their win streak only came after they cemented top 4. And they almost went out to liquid
Swiftmal12 [#4]gambit they look far worse in matches that mattered vs seeding matches
Agreed, I dont think they will choke hard tho, but probably come 2nd in their group and going out in the semi finals or first round of playoffs
BIGGEST_VS_FAN [#13]SMB cuz no 80 ping
Turkish players who live in Istanbul max get 40-50 ping on frankfurt 1 servers but nt
BIGGEST_VS_FAN [#13]SMB cuz no 80 ping
Hello dum-dum BIGGEST CHOKER TEAM'S FAN. Your team is eliminated, now you can cry at your bed you racist bot.