Can this roster make champs? Yes. Can it win champs? Nah not rly.
I think eg have a better chance of winning champs then NRG, and this is c0ming from an NRG fan
lLoveMen [#4]Nrg can definitely win champs. Just look at EG last year. They went from frauds to champions
yeah bc jawg and demon1 literally had inhuman performances
donkkomong [#2]Replace Chet with FNS and keep Demon1 on roster with S0m, easy win for NRG. Real talk.
You meant replace Chet with FNS
Arosu [#5]yeah bc jawg and demon1 literally had inhuman performances
No? Demon1 and jaw were great but the main reason they won were because they had the most chemistry of any team ever.
Sor [#3]lol you aint a real fan then
L take, a real fan doesn't follow a team like a sheep and mindlessly defend them in everything they do. A real fan will make criticisms of the org's decisions regardless of how much they love the team.