Flag: United States
Registered: August 14, 2023
Last post: June 25, 2024 at 8:05 PM
Posts: 18

I think I only used Firebase once and iirc correctly, Firestore is a non-relational database. For me I wanted multiple tables (events/games/users/highlights) that relate to each other so I wanted a relational database which supabase has. I think its possible to do this in non-relational but probably a lot harder. Also I've used supabase a couple times and always had a good time using it. Great docs and easy to setup. Also I love their UI lol

posted 8 months ago

The YT channel uploads clips and he lets me use them. I think he gets them manually

posted 8 months ago

Thank you! If you mean for data collecting there is none, I just use the data from VLR and manually store it in my database

posted 8 months ago

I would love to go through each game but unfortunately with school I can not :(

posted 8 months ago

Thats the goal! Im hoping Tarik sees the post on stream

posted 8 months ago

I dont think they have open APIs to my knowledge. I just used VLR data and manually store them in my database

posted 8 months ago

Built from scratch! React for frontend / Supabase for backend

posted 8 months ago

That is fair. I don't have the time to go through each game unfortunately (the YT channel let me use his clips). I think a big feature that differentiates from Youtube is the filtering. For example if you want to see ALL FNATIC clips, it can be kinda hard to do that through Youtube. Hopefully you find the site useful for the filters feature but I see your point!

posted 8 months ago

Please dont spread misinformation :(

posted 8 months ago

If you cant watch all the games but just want to see some clip moments or want to rewatch moments you can do so on my site! You can find it on Google by searching Valorant Esports Archive

Hope you enjoy the site and lmk what you think.

Help share this if you enjoy by upvoting this post!
Tarik Reddit Post (Hopefully he sees it)
Reddit Post

I posted this before but just wanted to repost since Split 2 is here and some people may have missed first post.

posted 8 months ago

I think its a step in the right direction. Victor has been amazing on Raze, so now hopefully they can focus on maximizing him on duelist and have FNS on senti.

posted 9 months ago

Thanks for 600 visitors! VLR is the top referrer and now the site shows up on Google!

Just wanted to get feedback and a gauge of retention rate. How many of you guys used the site after the matches? Is there anything that you think could be improved?

Thanks again :)

posted 9 months ago

oo thats an interesting idea, would def make the feel smoother. Ill see how difficult it would be to implement.

posted 9 months ago

Yea i completely forgot he had one and just posted. Fingers crossed

posted 9 months ago

Currently, we dont have plans to as it would be time consuming to go back and find clips. I think it will be better if we focus on getting more clips in future events.

posted 9 months ago

Thank you!! :)

I'm super stocked this is being received well as this is my first big project.

Now only if Tarik sees it on steam... ;)

posted 9 months ago

I didn't have any plans on vods atm cause i wanted to stay in the niche of clips. (Vods are much easier to find).

But that could definitely be an addition in the future!

posted 9 months ago

Hello everyone! I have completed a personal project just in time for Shanghai! It is essentially an archive of Valorant esports clips.

please upvote this to help me out lol:

Firstly I want to thank ValorianPlays for giving me permission use their clips. I was about to edit and find all the clips myself which would've taken months. PLEASE SUBSCRIBE to his channel as they made this even remotely possible: ValorianPlay YT. (Event if you don't use this site, his channel is goated)

The inspiration came when I wanted to look for clips from games I wasn't able to watch (China/Pacific mostly). I found it hard to find clips on YouTube without having to watch full highlight videos, streamer reactions, duplicate clips, etc. I only wanted unique raw clips without the extra fluff.
Then I also realized, if I want to rewatch a clip that happened wayyy in the past, there isn't really an easy way to do that besides trying to scavenge through YouTube.
So I built this website as a one-stop-spot to find all the clips you may have missed or want to rewatch! The main features are being able to filter by any event, game, team, or player. I also have a slider of the past 30 games if you quickly want to see clips from recent games (i'm most proud of this design :) ). I'm not very good at frontend-dev, and hate it lol, so it's a very minimalistic website but hopefully gets the job done.

We don't have EVERY single possible clip but plan to add more for Shanghai.

Please let me know what you think! Is this something that you would use? Are there any improvements that can be made? Also let me know if there are any bugs that you found. Im trying my best to make it mobile friendly, but as I said, I suck at frontend-dev lol.
Thanks and hope you enjoy!

posted 9 months ago