Wait they’re getting a mvp bracelet as well?
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Registered: | June 14, 2023 |
Last post: | March 2, 2025 at 6:56 AM |
Posts: | 51 |
Wait they’re getting a mvp bracelet as well?
What happened to Lakia? Is he in military service or something or is he just not playing?
Well than why does ascension matter. Isn’t the whole point of ascension giving smaller orgs and teams without orgs a chance to get into franchising this just make riot giving it to a org more and more hypocritical.
Also how is a franchised slot not important it’s still a franchised slot no matter how temporary.
Being part of the franchised leagues is not only about playing in t1 tournaments it’s also riot giving orgs literally millions of dollars to help fund the organization.
First off no they don’t, most tournaments give only cash as a secondary prize and that’s fine but the losing teams don’t get trophies.
Boom are getting a temporary franchise slot.
Do you not understand how important that slot is? It is the only reason orgs even build t2 teams and develop players, it’s like riot giving team heretics a champions trophy for being in second place.
You need to understand that these franchise slots were made to be won so other orgs not chose for franchise can be allowed a chance to join it temporarily.
Literally handing it over to the losing team just isn’t fair to the other teams. Boom had their second shot at beating spg and lost it. And yet they were given the slot for free?
Boom is the ONLY org to be given this third opportunity, how is that fair for the other orgs? And other players?
Also about setting up the tournament. Riot should have known bleed was up to no good for months. While we don’t know when it happened there should if it was severe enough of a transaction to cause riot to terminate bleed than it would have happened months prior allowing riot to set up the tournament for bleeds slot. Or atleast given the other teams a warning that they should keep their rosters to play an online tourney or in the studio they have.
We know riot was already looking into bleed as an org. They literally state the bleed was being non complaint for during most of the year.
Riot should have known that there was a chance for bleed to be terminated and taken appropriate action.
Also bleeds spot is important it’s one of the 2 ascension slots a team can get into do you know how important that is? Sentinels ceo said they made almost 1 mill from bundle sales alone. Yes most teams aren’t sentinels but that is still a solid chunk of money not just from the bundles but also the Stipend that the teams get. It is more than just a slot it can make and break orgs.
Also they haven’t done the most important thing win.
I’m not discrediting booms wins during the tournament it’s just they didn’t win ascension.
Ascension is about getting into Vct after WINNING ascension boom haven’t done that yet. It doesn’t matter how well they played they haven’t won.
Holding another tournament for a team to take bleeds spot would just be better than handing it to the team that didn’t win the tournament.
We know riot were already looking into bleed, so then that just means spgs win in the grand finals didn’t matter. Becuase they probably would have gotten in anyway.
At that point why don’t you just get rid of ascension and just choose random orgs to get teams in vct.
Esports is about winning these tournaments annd winning prizes and just handing away one of those prizes to a team that didn’t win just doesn’t feel right.
Juicy and Vera both only playing duelist, and yet they have some horrid attack sides
But the second place doesn’t matter?
Bleeds slot was completely separate from ascension.
It seems more like riot choose boom because they were a good org. If this is true than riot cares more about the org itself than the team, yes the team is good but they still lost giving the other orgs/teams another chance is just a better option
Hypothetically, say g2 were dropped from vct for some contract breach or something, and m80 were just given the slot.
Is that fair? No it’s not because no other team was given the chance to play for the second slot.
Were m80/boom the best team in their ascension? No not at all, so why would you give them the slot for no other reason than they were second?
It’s just unfair to the smaller orgs.
Yes they were able to beat dsg, riddle and full sense while getting extremely close to beating spg but they still lost.
Holding another ascension tournament means every team gets a second chance not just give it to boom for being the second best team. Now they have to prove they are the second best team.
Yeah second, spg still won, holding another tournament would give every team in the top 8 another chance to get the slot, yes boom would probably win but then they actually proved they deserved a second chance.
If spg had lost, whose to say, they are given the slot? It feels like riot just wanted boom in vct even though they shouldn’t have.
I’m not discrediting their 2nd place finish it just feels wrong that boom were given it so quickly.
Yeah but it still feels bad because they still lost the finals. Flying the top 8 from the ascension in and having them play to select the a team to replace bleed would have atleast made it not feel forced.
Tbf I wish they could have just held a second ascension to give every team another go at ascension instead of just yoinking boom to join. Feels kinda like they just really wanted boom in.
Either that or one of yay and scary cuz bleed
Oh I thought he meant m80 were throwing
Throw? Bro they were never favored.
How? You’re taking one of the most explosive duelist players ever and putting him on smokes. He built a name for himself playing duelist and it’s his best role, throwing him on smokes will cap his potential.
Well I would say d1 is better for the team, IF he can go back to 2023 form, compared to jawg he’s just the better smokes player and can rely on either n4rrate or zekken to hard entry for him.
If they get jawg I feel as if they’ll just cap jawgemos potential. He’s one of the best duelists in the world and if he’s stuck on smokes than he won’t be able to shine, there’s a reason he only started making a name for himself on duelist.
Combine that with the new chamber and astra buffs and it’s pretty worth it to get d1.
demon1 could work for tenz, he was one of the best astras in 2023 and with her getting buffed it could work. Not only that but if he can get back in form he has one of the best Jett’s in the world allowing for zekken to play sova . All he would need to do is learn omen but even then with the astra buff omen might not even be the best smoker anymore. And on bind he can play chamber who he’s very good at. If demon1 gets back to 2023 form he could fill the void tenz left.
Madrid yes but loud? Did you watch the champions 2022 grand finals? Sacy literally carried loud to that win.
It’s because nrg have absolute dogshit coaches who try to cook too much and force their players off their preferred playstyle for no other reason than “it’ll work trust me”
No 2024 Sen because they have sacy and 2022 loud.
Forgot about team heretics but they would work
Got a Better one every goated roster in a bo5 double elimination tournament and instead of map bans they get patch bans
2022 optic
2022 loud
2023 eg
2023 fnc
2023 prx
2024 geng
2024 edg
Don’t know what for the last one but could be 2022 drx, 2022 fpx, even 2021 sen or acend
Also I would say nrg would have to get rid of the idea of having a senti every map. Like for lotus you can’t play skye solo initiator anymore so getting fns to play fade while Ethan plays breach, mada on neon and d1 on omen/astra/clove with som on omen/viper
Basically just take edgs lotus comp it just fits so well if they get mada.
Now this might be a bit out there but mada has played scan initiator before and he can play every duelist. While sinatraa hasn’t been that proven. And with only ascent being a Jett map it could work.
But how? Flashes in lotus really aren’t needed and raze and neon both have space taking util raze satchels, nade and boombot, neon stun, slide and wall all allow for actual space taking instead of flashes which will be dodged at this high level of competition. Yoru gives you quite literally nothing that you need on lotus.
The only way yoru could work is if you use breach but even then neon and raze both work better off breach util because they’re harder to hit when they go to capitalize on stunned/flashed enemies.
Icy: raze, Jett, yoru, gekko
Demon1: astra, brim, Jett, chamber.
A bo7 would last at minimum 6 hours. Nobody in their right mind would play that. it would be just too mentally taxing for any player.
And it would lead to lower quality gameplay on some maps since teams would need to make strats for 7 different maps.
From how edg looked on the last 4 rounds it could very well happen edg got shit on on those last 4
Every first seed team that has lost has won their first game 2-0 and the team they lost to had won 2-1
Why tf do group d get an exception from the script
20/60 for clutches in champions 2023. The fact that your trying to say there is anyone on 2023 Eg was less valuable than the others is just ridiculous. No one on that team, besides demon1, was more important than the others.
Not believe it? Or just wait until actual confirmation? Instead of stirring the pot for literally no reason.
Snake? Just add mce as assistant coach it’s prob better for him
first off there’s no actual evidence for anything stop saying things for the sake of it. In fact there’s evidence that the accused was also a minor when they did it.
And even then non-consensual ejaculation is just wack because the accuser can just say it was non consensual. Who’s to say it was consensual? Nobody knows so why are you trusting them?
Shut up and just wait for drx to respond and if they don’t it’s because it’s false
They too old it was stated the accused person was a year older than the “victim” who was a minor so the accused person has to be 18 and none of beyn mako or buzz are 18
But does it have to be recently?
Couldn’t it be someone in tier 2? While it is a chance that it is drx other tournaments have lower finals as well.
Split 1 playoffs for t1 and t2 this would mean It could also be a player from T1 or the t2 teams not just drx
Not just that but why does it have to be recent tournaments? They could have just delayed speaking about it. Don’t throw shade at 1 ord
Fns was right g2 don’t need his aura anymore prx do
Prx fns when?
No? Demon1 and jaw were great but the main reason they won were because they had the most chemistry of any team ever.
Demon1 is probably just taking a break bros going through the gutter right now. He’ll probably be back next year once his wife’s situation is sorted out.
No Everything is Chet’s fault. He has shown that he has NO understanding of his own players strengths and weaknesses. And can’t make any strats that mean a damn.
Calling it now lev are gonna throw Just to clap c9 in lowers
So I’m just saying mibr could do the funniest thing
Ah yes talk about his omen which he probably barely practiced and not his astra and brim which he carried games on
COM: No longer playing as the clutch player for some reason->Coaches fault
Jawgemo-> bros team is trash and hes not getting setup for anything even when he’s egs best player-> Team diff
Boostio: Never was a hard fragger had some insane moments but that wasnt his job he’s the igl-> Bros just hating on the igl not top fragging
Demon1 going +10 and 15 in kills in his last two matches and 21-5 in fk fd
your just coping lmao
Probably just a team diff he was getting setup really well during champs and was traded very quickly and it looks like no one on their current roster is able to keep up with him
Ok at this point you’re just disrespecting loud if you truly believe that 2 weeks of no practice made them a free win. It’s loud the kings of consistency they might be slightly worse without practice but there still amazing.