shes op
her kit is good af in ranked, and after a few buffs she will prob see pro play
ESP if they change the economy of her kit and omens
flanador [#3]op in Low elo maybe
nah i started act in dia asc and played her until immi shes not bad at all
shes not the best smokes at all but her kit is fun and bc her smokes regenerate relatively fast she has her own upside in a double controller comp, as well as the decay, its pretty good
her kit will never surpass omen's her ult can be easily neutralized with running, her q is useless unless paired, Omen has better one ways, and paranoia is just way to useful to give it away for a decay, most characters in this game need a complete rework to actually see playing time, in ranked yes she's good.
Jinxypoo [#9]clove will probably never be played seriously in pro play, omen's kit is just much better for teamplay. they are fun in ranked though :pp
paper rex exist, they'll definitely play clove SOMEWHERE
Jinxypoo [#9]clove will probably never be played seriously in pro play, omen's kit is just much better for teamplay. they are fun in ranked though :pp
Clove harbor on aggressive teams seems goated to me now that viper is nerfed.
KITTT [#11]their kit is alright, i don´t think they will be played in pro play ever tbh, def not in americas
she will be played trust
they’ll 100% appear in Shanghai cus FPX play triple controller with them on Icebox and it looks pretty good. I wouldn’t be surprised if another team picks them up in a similar composition on another map like Sunset after Viper nerfs. I think any map that Brimstone is viable Clove is, and with Brimstone becoming more popular on maps like Lotus I could see them joining. Imagine Fade/Clove/Raze/KJ/Astra on a map like Lotus or Breeze