- aspas
- t3xture
- cNed
- something
- Jinggg
HM: Cryo, Life, OXY, ZmjKK
AirSFMMDJ [#10]Zekken fall off needs to be studied or what? I rarely see people talking about him anymore
He was always a good player but not the best player itw at Madrid (not even top 3, N4RRATE, MiniBoo and Less diffed him)
FailLon [#7]nah jinggg higher. t3xture aint good duelist he just crazy aim like something same with cNed, ZmjjKK and OXY
So he isn't a good duelist cause he has crazy good aim? I dont understand what you are getting at since all those players do create space as a duelist too unless you don't really watch matches and only highlights
AirSFMMDJ [#10]Zekken fall off needs to be studied or what? I rarely see people talking about him anymore
sen were just not doing good he will perform next split
Qyllic [#14]He was always a good player but not the best player itw at Madrid (not even top 3, N4RRATE, MiniBoo and Less diffed him)
phinaert [#23]agreed where is Cryo and Demon1 ?
surely the lurking raze isn't mentioned with cryo right???