Or is he just the fastest and flashiest?
babysasuke [#11]d3ff0
d3ff0 clears your bloodline of clogged arteries
boilin_cockroach [#14]never said he is the best
Never said Wardell was either, just that he clears bumbum
babysasuke [#15]My Western European bloodline?
mcdonalds runs in your blood , big mac instead of mitochondria
Frogger0_0 [#17]mcdonalds runs in your blood , big mac instead of mitochondria
i claim aspas as honorary russian
babysasuke [#3]Wardell clears that bum
Ok no joke wardell was a really good oper but Idk how he is now cuz no one cares about him anymore
Danfra [#24]Aspas Aspas
Why would you waste Aspas with an Op? With dudes firepower you should be giving him a vandal because he can get damage out quicker.
Top 5 in my opinion. But personally Tokyo Kang kang was the most entertaining awper. Was so consistent and had so many amazing kills but nowadays he awps so less cause of focusing on rifling more which he has been really good at recently but I want to see Tokyo Kang kang once again at least in one game.
Ryzen_ [#28]Why would you waste Aspas with an Op? With dudes firepower you should be giving him a vandal because he can get damage out quicker.
clearly haven't watched aspas + operator on breeze holy shit he's PERFECT on that map