Should sentinels buy out Leo
That team would be lethal
Coopertin0 [#3]remove tenz
yeah remove the player tht qualed them to madrid, and had been carryin them thru their shit years, dumbass mf.
G2thelion [#8]Bruh no one on Sentinels is better than their Fnatic counterpart except Johnqt as IGL or Tenz as smoker
Zekken > Derke
Tsensei [#10]yeah remove the player tht qualed them to madrid, and had been carryin them thru their shit years, dumbass mf.
tenz didnt qualify to copenhagen, champs 2022, champs 2023, reykjavik 2022, and tokyo. but i guess madrid is all that matters 😂😂
HenBabyH [#9]upgrade if anything, he doesn’t have to live in Europe
who would want to live in the devils city of la?
dort [#16]tenz didnt qualify to copenhagen, champs 2022, champs 2023, reykjavik 2022, and tokyo. but i guess madrid is all that matters 😂😂
flag + name + flair
dort [#16]tenz didnt qualify to copenhagen, champs 2022, champs 2023, reykjavik 2022, and tokyo. but i guess madrid is all that matters 😂😂
you know, 50% of SEN qualifications led to a trophy win, which will org will never achieve btw
dort [#16]tenz didnt qualify to copenhagen, champs 2022, champs 2023, reykjavik 2022, and tokyo. but i guess madrid is all that matters 😂😂
Still why remove tenz especially when he has been so good since he converted to flex? And how do the tourneys you mentioned matter in present time?
dort [#16]tenz didnt qualify to copenhagen, champs 2022, champs 2023, reykjavik 2022, and tokyo. but i guess madrid is all that matters 😂😂
SEN 2 x master vs NRG=0master
G2thelion [#17]Derke won a tournament only playing Raze
Recency bias
yeah I remember TOKYO man was frying people left and right and he didn't even had to play jett to win it.
Liotakla [#21]Still why remove tenz especially when he has been so good since he converted to flex? And how do the tourneys you mentioned matter in present time?
hes washed
laeDLaer [#14]didnt s0n have to ask for money from fans last year?
Kkkkk then Rob sold the company to tarik and zombs so they could pay tenz’s salary
idkmanwth [#11]that means sen shouldve had the most packed team no??
sen isnt even the richest org lol
dort [#25]hes washed
he achieved more than your beloved shitters did + he is famous and got the bag+ every single esport company rush to make a deal with him + he is the face the valorant + cry is free you fat ass
DetonationFocusMeiy [#12]Verno
goat team
on a real note, getting Verno would be awesome
dort [#29]reykjavik 2021 and madrid are the most irrelevant masters ever, not surprised SEN won. they can only turn up against teams who are awful and lack practice
Suprise NRG didn't qualify for both lmfaoooooooo
dort [#29]reykjavik 2021 and madrid are the most irrelevant masters ever, not surprised SEN won. they can only turn up against teams who are awful and lack practice
than how come NRG didnt won ?
if reykjavik and madrid most irrelevant masters ever than Sen wont have the biggest fanbase lol
dort [#34]Name a single tenz achievement from 2022 through 2023
just playing the game and make it more popular which benefits the pro scene and valorant as a game overall
edit: when he got bored he won a trophy immediately on 2024
idkmanwth [#28]and now they're bottom?? fnatic won two lans consecutively.
Fnatic fans and their affinity for Mickey Mouse "LANs"
dort [#39]"lack practice" NRG had one month of practice, while SEN had 5. see the difference?
no amount of practice could fix NRG 😂😂
dort [#39]"lack practice" NRG had one month of practice, while SEN had 5. see the difference?
will we saw them with practice, they are horrendously bad and clueless
dort [#39]"lack practice" NRG had one month of practice, while SEN had 5. see the difference?
Sen didnt have 5 month you retard
zellsis first game was on 26 october so basically november and after AfreecaTV Valorant League Sen went to 1 month holiday
HenBabyH [#45]anything is better than the UK
Leo is from Sweden, Fnatic bootcamp in Germany and the EMEA venue is there. what does the UK have to do with this?
HenBabyH [#32]on a real note, getting Verno would be awesome
fresh blood extra shooter on the team I agree to this
dort [#56]what? zellsis and johnqt were both signed on september 13 lmao
are you dumb ?
TeoEmil [#27]Kkkkk then Rob sold the company to tarik and zombs so they could pay tenz’s salary
Messi is gonna drop your org after it loses him aton of money
VGG [#58]are you dumb ?
playing official matches isnt "practice". are you dumb or do u not know what scrims are?
babysasuke [#40]Fnatic fans and their affinity for Mickey Mouse "LANs"
didnt fnc beat your beloved sen, 100t and loud to win lock in?? if its a mickey mouse lan then why couldnt they win it??
laeDLaer [#49]Leo is from Sweden, Fnatic bootcamp in Germany and the EMEA venue is there. what does the UK have to do with this?
anything’s better than Europe
dort [#61]playing official matches isnt "practice". are you dumb or do u not know what scrims are?
you are truly a retard zellsis was the 6 man
Sen scrims with pancada til 3 days before the match
idkmanwth [#62]didnt fnc beat your beloved sen, 100t and loud to win lock in?? if its a mickey mouse lan then why couldnt they win it??
Look what happens when Fnatic plays LOUD with more than 2 weeks together and prep:
babysasuke [#65]Look what happens when Fnatic plays LOUD with more than 2 weeks together and prep:
still more trophies than loud, also yall got decimated by loud so cry about it
idkmanwth [#66]still more trophies than loud, also yall got decimated by loud so cry about it
Where Champions trophy?
Oh my bad, I forgot, botnicle is allergic to those 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
babysasuke [#68]Where Champions trophy?
Oh my bad, I forgot, botnicle is allergic to those 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
"keep ur Champs trophy, we got LOCK//IN 😎😎😎😎😎"
babysasuke [#68]Where Champions trophy?
Oh my bad, I forgot, botnicle is allergic to those 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
where sen's champions trophy 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭, botteken allergic to those
idkmanwth [#76]where sen's champions trophy 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭, botteken allergic to those
Not trollin me, fuck SEN
Shameful that they won what they did with a streamer in the starting 5
idkmanwth [#76]where sen's champions trophy 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭, botteken allergic to those
we are getting one this year buddy
babysasuke [#77]Not trollin me, fuck SEN
Shameful that they won what they did with a streamer in the starting 5
why are we fighting over a video game anyways??
bonkarfanboy1 [#59]What about FNC bonkar (coach)