Making the same mistakes as SEN did

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Why NRG and Bleed are having the same issue as Sentinels had back then.
The downfall of sentinels started when they did not adapt to the META at the current time and made TenZ to play only as duelist, even at times he stated that he was not comfortable in entrying alone. In 2021 everyone caught up but SEN didn't, they tried to put TenZ only on duelist where he can't play any other duelist at high level than JETT. Even in 2022 His RAZE was mid and REYNA was not the META and every other team who put their star duelist (like YAY, CRYO, DERKE and some more) in Chamber has succeeded well, during this time there was no duelist comp was also a thing but SEN did adapt to it, when they did (LCQ) it was too late.

Now the same thing is happening in NRG and Bleed,
YAY and DEMON1 are not good at RAZE, and when you have a better RAZE player in your own team why does players/coaches have to force it too hard on their primary duelist.
It is not 2021 where you should play only duelist, especially when you are not good on other duelist, you should take a step back in the role and support your secondary duelist with your utils, I think there is nothing wrong in it..... Yay played Yoru and Raze on Breeze and split respectively where the team had two duelist comp, Yay is way comfortable in JETT and I dont know why he is forcing himself in other duelist agent where he can play any other role (especially sentinel role).

And Demon1, dude am not a big fan of him but as a aimer he was so crisp last year, now I just feel like he lacks so much confidence in aim duels. It is so unlike him. I dont know what Chet is cooking but it is not cooking well.

And huge respect to Potter as well, she is cooking..

Your thoughts on this?


my thought: yay is basically can't play any agent unless chamber/jett, he's that bad. NRG lack of the x factor that optic 2022 had back then



TheAceGamer30 [#3]


what does "allat" mean? i see many users saing it but i don't kneow what it means

DaBozo [#4]

what does "allat" mean? i see many users saing it but i don't kneow what it means



problem with y0y is that he is dang 1 dimensional. y0y as well is not being setup like he used to on optic. you can also say that to NRG they are not setting up Demon1 as good as EG.


What you say in the second paragraph makes sense, but it's not a meta issue, it's role or agent issues, at least for yay and demon1. At the same time, it's also many other things, such as team synergy and how prepared the team is when dealing with executes as a whole. You can be an awesome raze but if your team doesn't set you up to entry and you just go in alone you're just gonna die without getting traded.

PRX (my flair I know) just went ahead and play reyna and harbour on bind/ascent, those obviously aren't meta comps but they made those work last year. Zeta decided to pick up chamber for LCQ last year and Laz's chamber helped them go on a run to play in champs.

One way is like what you said, change roles to support your teammate, OR let the star players play a comfortable role/agent and let the team play around them. Yay could let Deryeon play Raze, but he was horrid as a flex player in kick off, he looked very lost when he was on skye and viper (when Deryeon was on duelist). Now that he is back on duelist, at least he's definitely more comfortable, even if he's not performing (he did get 2 aces on split 1 though)

DaBozo [#4]

what does "allat" mean? i see many users saing it but i don't kneow what it means

not reading all that

julingre [#8]

not reading all that

oh ok, thank you


I only read the upper case lettered words. Do I have a problem?


Tenz is a lot better on jett and raze than yay lol

its just about tenz actually adjusting where y0y cant

sh0gun [#2]

my thought: yay is basically can't play any agent unless chamber/jett, he's that bad. NRG lack of the x factor that optic 2022 had back then

Yeah, now Yay has been losing most of his aim duels and NRG is not figuring out what to do during their attack rounds until last 15 seconds

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