Brazil current record: 0-9
Map record: 2-18
DFM 2023 record during regular season: 0-9
DFM map record during regular season: 2-18
😭 😭 not even trying to hate on Brazil it’s just this rough for the region rn
mon471 [#4]One-man region in Aspas. People say Less is also decent but he’s a one-trick Viper, nothing more.
Less is the best sentinel player of all time
a region full of talented players 0-9 is just a proof of how shit franchise is
MIBR lost TWICE to a fucking random tier 2 team on Brazil, they don't deserve to be on franchise
DFM is looking better now cos they decided to buy the best tier 2 in japan
mon471 [#4]One-man region in Aspas. People say Less is also decent but he’s a one-trick Viper, nothing more.
thats why we have a champions and india doesnt even have 1 player
SmartPerson [#8]thats why we have a champions and india doesnt even have 1 player
Ignore this idiot. Indians don't hate people from South America
Average_NA_fan [#7]a region full of talented players 0-9 is just a proof of how shit franchise is
MIBR lost TWICE to a fucking random tier 2 team on Brazil, they don't deserve to be on franchise
DFM is looking better now cos they decided to buy the best tier 2 in japan
brazil (outside of loud maybe) need to go the emea route of finding random t2 players and have them farm
Badtzmaru [#3]No hate to Brazil but Aspas = Brazil.
ehh, put someone that's able to shoot back instead of quick and loud's doing just fine