What SEN want from Kru vs Loud

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I made thread here for anyone who is confused about how sen can still qualify as I see a lot of this must happen when that's not the case


For this game KRU vs Loud:
it doesn't really matter the important game was G2 losing to lev. All this game does is decide which direction sen will lean to in terms of options.

1 option:
Kru beat loud, that will lean us towards the option of alpha having a 4th spot as it would lean towards loud not getting 2 wins

2 option:
Kru loose to loud, this will lean more towards kru and g2 going 3-3 while sen go 4-2

Overall both options each have there own risk but I think it is more likely that kru loose their next 3 games and g2 loose at least 1 more while sen win their last 2
option 2 also gives sen more leeway if they lose another game like to loud as we already are expecting loud to get 2 wins in this option and then it would be down to map diff between kru g2 and sen as they all will most Likly be 3-3

option w does however mean that if the win their 2 and at least g2 loose one more they will move on regardless as they would be 4-2 and g2 would be 3-3 or even 2-4 but if they go 4-2 as well it would come down to map win or rounds.

again it is just to soon to decide right now but I hope this helps so that as we move further on we will all understand which option is best.


It’s Alr dude let it go


same guy who committed first on my last thread, you obsessed with me or something? I dont want you man 🤣


Sen isn't making playoffs bro your threads are pointless 😂


bro pls stop coping

sen need to first win the games lmao


Sentinels fan is very dedicated.. Damn


I remember doing this last regular season too. The joys of losing to teams that should be worse than you. 2023 was a year and a half lol


I like the kru beating loud odds better IMO. Under that assumption:

First sen gotta beat loud and furia, mainly loud so neither qual

Nrg vs EG game can go either way
If nrg win, EG, Loud dont qualify, mibr furia probably not either, sen can beat out G2 on maps

If EG win, kinda rough, 3 way tie worst case, but nrg has big map advantage so sen only qual if nrg lose to 100t aswell

It might not be easier but its definitely simpler, and kru arent bad at all i wouldnt bank on them bombing out 3 games rn

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