Sen fans come

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Hey. Y'all are really sad and I understand how you feel but it's okay. Don't let this fill your heart with negativity brothers. It's just a game. Winning and losing are part of a game. And I saw some of you rewind the same shit again and again. It won't do you any good. Turn that shit off. Take a breather. Sit down. At the end of the day, it's a video game. It's not the end of the world. So. Keep your chin up and just sit down, go out. Listen, I understand how it feels to lose. It broke my heart when M80 didn't qualify last year and it's okay to feel that way. Keep your faith in your team.
And it is the same for every other team too. None of these teams are bad teams. These are the best of the best and shit happens on the server. It is what it is.


Sen literally just gotta finish better than g2 to qualify ☠️☠️☠️


i'm chill mate
lol this is'nt even enough to faze me

we've been through worse
we can still qualify if we win next 2 and just let what happens happens ig
if we did'nt qualify it simply means we did'nt deserve to

all good

cboomer [#2]

Sen literally just gotta finish better than g2 to qualify ☠️☠️☠️

Everyone is so sad man😭
No one is even making fun of them like it is a national disaster. You know it's bad when NRG fans don't make fun of Sen. Gotta step in as a part time therapist right neow.

Denjisideals [#4]

Everyone is so sad man😭
No one is even making fun of them like it is a national disaster. You know it's bad when NRG fans don't make fun of Sen. Gotta step in as a part time therapist right neow.


i wonder why nrg fans don't make fun of sen

cboomer [#5]


i wonder why nrg fans don't make fun of sen


Bald_man [#3]

i'm chill mate
lol this is'nt even enough to faze me

we've been through worse
we can still qualify if we win next 2 and just let what happens happens ig
if we did'nt qualify it simply means we did'nt deserve to

all good

Good for you. Nothing wrong with not qualifying. Keep your chin up, brother. If you don't qualify even after 4-2, it is a shit format. Look at everywhere else. Mfs are top 1 with 2-2 because the groups are that balanced.

Bald_man [#3]

i'm chill mate
lol this is'nt even enough to faze me

we've been through worse
we can still qualify if we win next 2 and just let what happens happens ig
if we did'nt qualify it simply means we did'nt deserve to

all good

Nah man the games happen early morning for me so when I wake before going to school I check the results when we win it's the best day of school fr but when we lost well quite opposite
I expected a stomp and thought I'll check aftrt I'm back from school but I just wanted to see how big of a stomp and ended up seeing that we lost

Denjisideals [#7]

Good for you. Nothing wrong with not qualifying. Keep your chin up, brother. If you don't qualify even after 4-2, it is a shit format. Look at everywhere else. Mfs are top 1 with 2-2 because the groups are that balanced.

yep but we should'nt be complaining

we lost a game we could've won so it's not the fault of format
we were badd simple as that

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