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G2 should just buy out Leo or lauresss... or even Shao if FPX will have some roster shuffle after their continuous failing to qualify anywhere.
koldamenta is averaging one of the lowest ACS from all Sovas, doing mistakes i don't even see randoms do in my ranked games. I mean ofc, hes support player, this doesn't matter that much, but the team is as good as its weakest part...
if they don't get top3 in masters i can tell they will most likely bench him anyway




G2 should get rid of their igl and get Leo who doesn't even main sova or lauress who might not even speak good English. What an amazing idea, someone get this man a job


If kolda was to be replaced, he would have to be replaced with guild bonkar(who also posts low ACS, but is Guild's IGL). His low ACS is supposed to be compensated by his IGLing and mid round calls, while the other 4 take care of the kills.

schlong [#3]

G2 should get rid of their igl and get Leo who doesn't even main sova or lauress who might not even speak good English. What an amazing idea, someone get this man a job

i don't think G2 need him to be the IGL that much as TH and G2 didn't have any set IGL before for long time as far as i remember

btw Sova is Leo's most played agent past 3 months in all tournaments, he has literally the most rounds on Sova than any other agent, wdym

i hope someone won't give a job to you brother

DumboVAL [#5]

i don't think G2 need him to be the IGL that much as TH and G2 didn't have any set IGL before for long time as far as i remember

btw Sova is Leo's most played agent past 3 months in all tournaments, he has literally the most rounds on Sova than any other agent, wdym

i hope someone won't give a job to you brother

Jokes on you I alr have one. It's ratioing ppl like u

schlong [#6]

Jokes on you I alr have one. It's ratioing ppl like u

wow you are so cool, you post 50 comments per day on VLR gg and 90% of them are trashtalking others, what a great life you got. im proud of your online keyboard achievement

DumboVAL [#5]

i don't think G2 need him to be the IGL that much as TH and G2 didn't have any set IGL before for long time as far as i remember

btw Sova is Leo's most played agent past 3 months in all tournaments, he has literally the most rounds on Sova than any other agent, wdym

i hope someone won't give a job to you brother

Yeah G2 didn't have a set IGL for a long time which caused them to drop off the face of the earth after their initial success which was due to the complete gap in talent between them and the rest of EU... G2 is now looking the best they've ever looked before and part of that is due to actually having a good IGL in Koldamenta.

Fat_Lard [#8]

Yeah G2 didn't have a set IGL for a long time which caused them to drop off the face of the earth after their initial success which was due to the complete gap in talent between them and the rest of EU... G2 is now looking the best they've ever looked before and part of that is due to actually having a good IGL in Koldamenta.

"G2 is now looking the best they've ever looked" ?
sus baiter

DumboVAL [#9]

"G2 is now looking the best they've ever looked" ?
sus baiter

This is the best team they've ever had and I'm not going to say otherwise because of 1 series. They only looked amazing at the very beginning of Valorant because they had 0 competition other than FPX and Liquid, but they were still miles ahead in terms of talent.

Fat_Lard [#10]

This is the best team they've ever had and I'm not going to say otherwise because of 1 series. They only looked amazing at the very beginning of Valorant because they had 0 competition other than FPX and Liquid, but they were still miles ahead in terms of talent.

i mean ofc they look like the best team they have ever got on paper, if we take the talent per role. doesn't mean they will do good, so far they are not. And kolda is not top Sova player, i would say one of the worse in tier 1 EU scene. But yea as some people here said, he might be good IGL. I hope his calls will win more rounds than he looses by not winning duels or not using util properly. Just saying many people could call as good as him and even play his role better at the same time.

DumboVAL [#11]

i mean ofc they look like the best team they have ever got on paper, if we take the talent per role. doesn't mean they will do good, so far they are not. And kolda is not top Sova player, i would say one of the worse in tier 1 EU scene. But yea as some people here said, he might be good IGL. I hope his calls will win more rounds than he looses by not winning duels or not using util properly. Just saying many people could call as good as him and even play his role better at the same time.

In the game against smb, g2 got team diffed pretty hard in terms of defaults and set plays. Whatever SMB were doing, G2 had no counter whatsoever as if they hadn't proper preparation. Everybody might think that SMB won by aim alone, but it was their util usage and the set plays that didn't even give G2 players an opportunity to shoot back.

Hopefully it was one of those wet towel slaps across the face that is supposed to make the team much better, otherwise it looks like EMEA's hopes will be within SMB and Acend.

Glycoroldas [#12]

In the game against smb, g2 got team diffed pretty hard in terms of defaults and set plays. Whatever SMB were doing, G2 had no counter whatsoever as if they hadn't proper preparation. Everybody might think that SMB won by aim alone, but it was their util usage and the set plays that didn't even give G2 players an opportunity to shoot back.

Hopefully it was one of those wet towel slaps across the face that is supposed to make the team much better, otherwise it looks like EMEA's hopes will be within SMB and Acend.

Yea i feel like G2 were not really trying to do anything when they started getting slapped by SMB, they just stood there and took the slaps. Confidence went straight out of the window and they got pushed to the corner so much that they were even scared to play their defaults. I liked the energy SMB went with to the match, i could feel like they were prepared to destroy them and they knew they would, which was the case.


Redgar similar to kolda but redgar always does bad perform and still he is playing. I think G2s problem is not about igl. Before kolda they had zeek and they benched him but now look at zeek, he is doing igl work with bonecold and team is amazimg right now. Im not gonna suprise if they bench kolda but i dont think problem is igl. They had an amazing run with kolda in challengers 1.

emirerays [#14]

Redgar similar to kolda but redgar always does bad perform and still he is playing. I think G2s problem is not about igl. Before kolda they had zeek and they benched him but now look at zeek, he is doing igl work with bonecold and team is amazimg right now. Im not gonna suprise if they bench kolda but i dont think problem is igl. They had an amazing run with kolda in challengers 1.

This is a good take, people are forgetting that kolda was more than enough for Acend to win Masters 1. If G2 has problems, it definitely is beyond kolda.

DumboVAL [#7]

wow you are so cool, you post 50 comments per day on VLR gg and 90% of them are trashtalking others, what a great life you got. im proud of your online keyboard achievement

u can’t take jokes can you? also do your math correctly, approximately 90 days my account has been active which means i post around 10 comments per day which is still a lot tbf

DumboVAL [#11]

i mean ofc they look like the best team they have ever got on paper, if we take the talent per role. doesn't mean they will do good, so far they are not. And kolda is not top Sova player, i would say one of the worse in tier 1 EU scene. But yea as some people here said, he might be good IGL. I hope his calls will win more rounds than he looses by not winning duels or not using util properly. Just saying many people could call as good as him and even play his role better at the same time.

Name the players in EU that could call as good as him and play his role better that aren't already on tier 1 orgs... Also so far they have done good... They pretty much dominated everyone except for Acend in Challengers 1 and they easily beat Oxygen. You are basing their success entirely off of the fact that they lost to SMB which doesn't make sense at all.

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