iframedeez [#27]
what a mismanagement for that 1st GE squad lead to🤣🤣🤣, you had t3xture, Monyet and yet you still chose the fraud than LightningFast leading to a dysfunctional team for that 2023, everyone agreed that even before the season start LF was more consistent than b0tssi and now with this season you got your coach to nepo hire p0lvi, again, another mismanagement. you will get "dissapointment" again if you guys isn't addressing elephant in the room LMAOOOOOOOOOOOO
the real issue were the comms; for last years GE. Texture wasn't comfortable with english so they couldn't put him on duelist. They didn't have proper smokes, so they had to put monyet on smokes, and that enabled rossi to play duelist.
Their only mistake was that they should've put more faith in LF than Rossi. even before GE got the franchise spot; lf was more consistent than rossi. Rossi had higher stats only cus he used to OP a lot and indian scene in general was awful dealing against OP.
I understand that they had to put rossi in for PR and sponsorship and indian vierwerbase support reasons, but lf was obviously the better pick all along.