How can I switch for dark theme ffs ???
My fucking eyes hurt
fontea [#5]In the mean time i think ages ago someone made a dark mode chrome extension for over,gg ill see if i cant find it for you
well the posts are over 2 years old and over,gg and have change format so i have no clue if they work but here it tells you how to install stuff
im somewhat doubtful theyll work but they might
enigma [#7]a user on reddit suggested using this in the interim:
does make an improvement and work :)
plas [#13]its literally at the top of the screen next to the stats section unless u mean an actual really dark theme
ikr these people are literally blind
Hidden_Name [#14]ikr these people are literally blind
fr lmao now that i see this how can people even be on this website with light mode
fontea [#6]well the posts are over 2 years old and over,gg and have change format so i have no clue if they work but here it tells you how to install stuff
im somewhat doubtful theyll work but they might
lmao that site is more dead than the game xddd
plas [#15]fr lmao now that i see this how can people even be on this website with light mode
my guy it's a necro bump lmao