C9 have reportedly let moose runi and vanity know that they will be parting ways after this match, making a roster change mid game is something we have never seen before.
remember -xeta +curry
good days
frappzlul [#3] remember -xeta +curry good days
remember -yay +jake
Kinga [#4] remember -yay +jake
big bean was the goat tho.. not t1 paycheck stealer curry
Kinga [#2] y0y
Shut the FUCK up.
Chunkio [#6] Shut the FUCK up.
Kinga [#7] y0y
Chunkio [#8] Shut the FUCK up.
respect jake lil bro
c9 just needs zellsis back
Kinga [#9] y0y
That was horrible days man
Set back C9 years