i'm going to buy a few RPG/Stealth/Combat games during Summer, can you guys recommend the best AC games and similar RPG games? please don't recommend any dogshit 2D game.
money is not an issue. mutiplayer is OK too
XanXanUk [#5]Odyssey is one of the best games i ever played. It is just mwah. In every aspect. I played it a while ago though, liked it better than AC 2.
alright will get BlackFlag and Odyssey
any other RPG recommendations tho? im getting RDR2 along with it
canyon [#6]alright will get BlackFlag and Odyssey
any other RPG recommendations tho? im getting RDR2 along with it
Witcher 3 is goated, but bare in mind i did not pay for any of these, so can't recomment to buy them. Both are S tier though!
Aayan [#7]Haven't played the older games but of the newer open world ones Odyssey is very very good, if you have a good pc and monitor it looks stunning as well, especially considering it's a 6 year old game
the game looks stunning even on lowest settings and 14 fps
canyon [#6]alright will get BlackFlag and Odyssey
any other RPG recommendations tho? im getting RDR2 along with it
For RPG games, The Witcher series is solid, especially 3 (first one is awesome but very dated so might want to wait for the remake currently in development; 2nd holds up decently). Mass Effect series is also an RPG staple. They're both action RPGs though; might want to try Baldur's Gate 3 if you prefer turn-based RPGs.
talking about games i played only
ACs: if u really want a RPG game, i would go with Origins, Odyssey or Valhalla
Brotherhood, 3 and Unity are different experiences, which i prefer, feels like u are inside the game. the stealth system is more present.
The Witcher 3 - best game of my life (play gwent, its worth it)
and if u didnt played already: Elden Ring - dont know if it fits this list based on what u want, but its Elden Ring, its worth it as well
siniota [#16]Do all AC games have separate story or the same story continues from 1st game?
its complicated, yes but also no
Foccuz [#14]talking about games i played only
ACs: if u really want a RPG game, i would go with Origins, Odyssey or Valhalla
Brotherhood, 3 and Unity are different experiences, which i prefer, feels like u are inside the game. the stealth system is more present.The Witcher 3 - best game of my life (play gwent, its worth it)
and if u didnt played already: Elden Ring - dont know if it fits this list based on what u want, but its Elden Ring, its worth it as well
this guy plays
yawnster [#22]Why is this even a question?
Brotherhood solos the ENTIRE franchise on its own
truu mann
ezio hard carried the verse