Is Boaster Right?

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I feel like boasters take about Madrid is something ive been thinking and ive been saying here and there about how the level of play just doesn't really stack up very well to champs. You could give the argument that its the beginning of the year but i mean 2022 Iceland era teams were crazy from the get go due to it being the second year of the main esports circuit.
It really feels like SEN and GenG would at most make top 6 at Champs taking FNCs and DRXs spots (and whoever else was around there).

Will we see FNC teaching these new teams how to play the game properly at a high level?

  • Boaster is right the level of play was not as good as champs that's inevitable with off season roster changes

  • FNC will not be teaching shite


geng can do better


FNC been playing the same comp & strats since 9 months ago. Maybe they should teach themselves first

nutab1e [#2]
  • Boaster is right the level of play was not as good as champs that's inevitable with off season roster changes

  • FNC will not be teaching shite

I feel like FNC are just gonna get back to dominating the scene again. Theyve had a long enough break from the game and theyve been shown that they gotta start trying again if they wanna win. With the players they have I really dont see what team can stop them


Beginning of the year always has riot making some balances at the worst possible moment, causing the meta to be shaky for the first month or two

You could see at Madrid that everyone was trying to explore different comp ideas on different maps; PRX especially went all in on experimenting mid-tournament since alecks basically had no hope from the start, and Sentinels switched their Yoru on bind to Gekko between matches

Even between the start of kickoffs and now you can see a gradual transition from skye comps to gekko comps

ymfb [#4]

FNC been playing the same comp & strats since 9 months ago. Maybe they should teach themselves first

well yea i think thats obvious and thats clearly something theyre gonna be working on (and probably something they alr did before kickoff and just didnt get the chance to show it off)

Nachtel [#6]

Beginning of the year always has riot making some balances at the worst possible moment, causing the meta to be shaky for the first month or two

You could see at Madrid that everyone was trying to explore different comp ideas on different maps; PRX especially went all in on experimenting mid-tournament since alecks basically had no hope from the start, and Sentinels switched their Yoru on bind to Gekko between matches

Even between the start of kickoffs and now you can see a gradual transition from skye comps to gekko comps

Reykjavik 2022 was the start of chamber dominance but the best teams at the time (FPX, FNC, M3C dont even argue with me) didnt run it. They looked so good and very clearly the highest level of play we had ever seen up to that point.

ItsHunter [#5]

I feel like FNC are just gonna get back to dominating the scene again. Theyve had a long enough break from the game and theyve been shown that they gotta start trying again if they wanna win. With the players they have I really dont see what team can stop them

coaching staff diff tbh

yeah i dont see them being bad enough to not reach intls but i dont think they'll dominate internationally as things stand

ItsHunter [#8]

Reykjavik 2022 was the start of chamber dominance but the best teams at the time (FPX, FNC, M3C dont even argue with me) didnt run it. They looked so good and very clearly the highest level of play we had ever seen up to that point.

Where was M3C at Copenhagen? The exact same thing that I described happened. The meta got figured out after Reykjavik 2022, and by Copenhagen and especially by champs, everyone was running the same comps because that was the most optimal way to play valorant during that time.

I understand that M3C/Gambit's style of valorant at the start of 2022 looked prettier, but nobody can argue that during the chamber meta, the most optimal way to play valorant was to play around your chamber player, and M3C's struggle to compete with teams like FPX exemplifies that


He’s just coping that they fell off


it's pretty good tho. No team get straight off to playoffs. All teams must start at swiss stage


boaster himself is shit and he thinks hes somewhere around saadhak/FNS level because he fluked out two trophies

yaiima0 [#11]

He’s just coping that they fell off

losing 1 game is falling off lmao


Of course he's correct (only igl with 2 trophies). No team not from EMEA will be able to keep up with them come Shanghai

Alexsei [#14]

losing 1 game is falling off lmao

They got rolled. Wasn’t even close

EMEAstan [#15]

Of course he's correct (only igl with 2 trophies). No team not from EMEA will be able to keep up with them come Shanghai

Both of his “trophies” are mine

anyth1ng [#13]

boaster himself is shit and he thinks hes somewhere around saadhak/FNS level because he fluked out two trophies

"fluked out TWO trophies" is such an oxymoronic statement. Also FNC were probably the least fluke-like winners weve seen since Sen and GMB 2021
But i do agree he isnt at an FNS or Saadhak level of calling

Nachtel [#10]

Where was M3C at Copenhagen? The exact same thing that I described happened. The meta got figured out after Reykjavik 2022, and by Copenhagen and especially by champs, everyone was running the same comps because that was the most optimal way to play valorant during that time.

I understand that M3C/Gambit's style of valorant at the start of 2022 looked prettier, but nobody can argue that during the chamber meta, the most optimal way to play valorant was to play around your chamber player, and M3C's struggle to compete with teams like FPX exemplifies that

"Where was M3C at Copenhagen" dumbass argument, yes they didnt keep up with FPX but FPX just had insane firepower and ridiculous amount of chemistry at the time that they were unbeatable. They were by far the best team at the time no questions asked.

Meta doesnt matter when the level of play far exceeds anyone whos conforming to the meta. M3C simply fell off, doesnt mean they werent at a peak that was beyond most other teams in the world at the time.

ItsHunter [#18]

"fluked out TWO trophies" is such an oxymoronic statement. Also FNC were probably the least fluke-like winners weve seen since Sen and GMB 2021
But i do agree he isnt at an FNS or Saadhak level of calling

nope just accept it


Ofc things are gonna be shit at the start of the year, teams made changes, doesn't take science to understand that shit, this was better than lock-in tbh

ItsHunter [#19]

"Where was M3C at Copenhagen" dumbass argument, yes they didnt keep up with FPX but FPX just had insane firepower and ridiculous amount of chemistry at the time that they were unbeatable. They were by far the best team at the time no questions asked.

Meta doesnt matter when the level of play far exceeds anyone whos conforming to the meta. M3C simply fell off, doesnt mean they werent at a peak that was beyond most other teams in the world at the time.

Meta matters because when a meta is figured out, "who's the better team" stops being about who can come up with a better agent comp for the players that they have and instead becomes all about which team is able to play the meta comp better than everyone else.

With the chamber meta specifically, the teams that went all in with fleshing out their playbooks around their star chamber players (OpTic with yay, and FPX with ardiis) were the teams that beat everyone else that year.

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