What is the best base for valorant?

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I think tbh knowledge and game sense is probably the best base for VALORANT. You can easily develop your aim with trainers and routines but when it comes to straight natural raw knowledge and game sense, you can't teach that. And on top of that game sense makes you look even better than you do with aim.


Best base for valorant is caffeine and autism

Danny [#2]

Best base for valorant is caffeine and autism

Caffeine munchers won't like this one



It's much easier to climb with good aim, and it's also much easier to learn. Who cares if you swing into all five players? just outaim, dismiss, free kill, round win, and RR. I have great gamesense and one trick KJ, but I'm hardstuck D3/A1 and lose in 1v1s vs my D1 friend cause he has so much better aim then me.

doomvor [#4]


It's much easier to climb with good aim, and it's also much easier to learn. Who cares if you swing into all five players? just outaim, dismiss, free kill, round win, and RR. I have great gamesense and one trick KJ, but I'm hardstuck D3/A1 and lose in 1v1s vs my D1 friend cause he has so much better aim then me.

Grass is always greener on the other side; it's always easier to imagine aim being better because you take for granted the decisionmaking you already have, even the stuff that seems simple. Whether intentionally or not, you end up imagining that + aim. What all aim no brain really looks like is someone who can flick better than everyone else wide swinging a close corner every round and dying due to angle disadvantage, or a reyna running through a viper mollie and orb thinking he can find someone on site to kill and dismiss, or a smokes player dying first every round trying to take duels when he should live (unless you're playing Clove ig)

The worst part is that if you have good enough aim you can get away with a lot of these things, and because it works 20% of the time, it becomes harder of a habit for people to break because they end up trying to make it work rather than finding a more reasonable alternative


sexy voice.

the game needs more igls

Nachtel [#5]

Grass is always greener on the other side; it's always easier to imagine aim being better because you take for granted the decisionmaking you already have, even the stuff that seems simple. Whether intentionally or not, you end up imagining that + aim. What all aim no brain really looks like is someone who can flick better than everyone else wide swinging a close corner every round and dying due to angle disadvantage, or a reyna running through a viper mollie and orb thinking he can find someone on site to kill and dismiss, or a smokes player dying first every round trying to take duels when he should live (unless you're playing Clove ig)

The worst part is that if you have good enough aim you can get away with a lot of these things, and because it works 20% of the time, it becomes harder of a habit for people to break because they end up trying to make it work rather than finding a more reasonable alternative

I can get what you're saying, it's that my aim is so bad that normal 50/50s are more like 45/55s. Angle disadvantage should be 60/40 in my favor, and yet it's more like 55/45. I can put myself into solid positions to win gunfights, and yet I'll lose them because my aim is shit. It's gotten to the point where I prefer to avoid gunfights entirely and only take them if I have to or it's like 70/30.

kfan4238173 [#6]

sexy voice.

the game needs more igls

So real

doomvor [#7]

I can get what you're saying, it's that my aim is so bad that normal 50/50s are more like 45/55s. Angle disadvantage should be 60/40 in my favor, and yet it's more like 55/45. I can put myself into solid positions to win gunfights, and yet I'll lose them because my aim is shit. It's gotten to the point where I prefer to avoid gunfights entirely and only take them if I have to or it's like 70/30.

I can see how this would be more important in a game like CS:GO where utility is more sparse, but if you really feel that way wouldn't it be better to try to position yourself for situations where the gunfight is 70/30? i.e. swinging together with someone else when entering site, then say learning the timing of the CT's retake to flash them for a pick, or hiding in a really ratty smoke with a shotgun?

Idk I feel like this game provides a lot more opportunities for 70/30 fights to the point that it's not really necessary to take 50/50s unless you're down on man advantage and need to make something happen, but even then if you know how to flash properly you can even make that an equalizing kill a 70/30 as well--given you've kept track of your utility and haven't wasted it that is.

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