when u have to keep on switching a players role, he isnt good...
technically Zellsis is a flex player, Zekken has always been a duelist/aggro initiator, Jawg always a duelist and picked up smokes on EG.
Victor might be the only one that i agree BUT he has always had the same aggro type of playstyle.
I do not agree with OP saying Seven is bad, cause he is not, but the role switching everytime he enters a team might not tbe the best decision, even if it's not his fault.
I follow Jawgemos way before he joined EG in 2022, he has always been a duelist player, but if you count the mix he has played in and small torunaments, everyone would seem like a flex.
Zellsis on V1 was the second duelist/flex. Zekken was a second entry (even with sova) and Victor as i said it's the only exception but still, he has always been a entry/aggro player.