those of you have played clove, how is she in game?
being able to smoke around where she has died is very good in end of round/post plant scenarios, Ult also seems very strong. might not be as good as other smokers depending on the map, I think she works very well in a 2 controller set up. very similar to Omen, so if you run him in certain comps might be able to play Clove instead.
No team is ever dropping viper from they're comps no matter if clove can smoke while shes dead or not, Viper is just too strong. When it comes to being a secondary smokes clove is good but I think Omens paranoia and tps are just more stronger than Cloves kit. Her meddle is just a tether that doesn't even affect movement. For her smoking while shes dead thats cool ig but her smokes last way shorter than other controllers and she can only smoke in a small radius. It also doesn't help that she has 2 smokes and 40 sec recharge.