Replay System

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This video really annoyed me, guy makes it sound like what he did was close to what the devs have to do and almost everyone agrees with him in the comments. I am not defending how long it is taking Riot to make a replay system because it is taking quite a while but they have said they are having issues. In my eyes as well, the system wont be used by 95% of players so I can understand why it isn't a priority.

The guy just makes a single player version of Valorant, records his movements and plays that script back. The whole problem with the system is that Valorant is a multi-player game. With this game also being set on 128-tick servers with custom netcode. Other games have implemented replay systems yes, none of them keep a tickrate above 32 (I may be wrong but the highest one I know is CS demos which as 32 tick) and I would imagine the problem the devs are facing is that they want to keep this 128 tickrate. Rallying the community behind a video that is just spreading misinformation about the way the system could be implemented really pushes me the wrong way and he is even getting articles wrote about him.

Another thing is calling devs lazy or calling out layoffs or calling out skins being pumped out. Calling devs lazy is crazy because they're just doing their job, following orders from higher-ups. If you wanna get mad at someone for something like that, go after the higher-ups, the devs are just doing their job. Calling out layoffs is stupid as shit, every tech company in the world is down-sizing because of the state of the economy, unavoidable. Calling out skins being pumped out is stupid as well, the people that could be working on a replay system and the people working on the skin bundles are completely different people with different skill sets, you can't just pick and place devs because they don't all do the same thing. Calling out the development team especially rubs me the wrong way because there is so much info about this stuff especially with the recent Apex stuff and PirateSoftware being on everyone's youtube explaining development processes and why to not go after people for no reason.


people are just upset that replays still aren't a thing yet, and so is the ytber, idk what else to tell you. Riot should've made it a priority before the game's launch but didn't, 4 years passed and its still not out with no updates on it either (from my knowledge). You believe that it shouldn't be a priority to begin with but I strongly disagree, I've played games that have a replay system like LoL and CSGO in which I've frequently used to not only improve my gameplay but to also report, verify cheaters, funny shit, highlights etc.

That rant section from him is unnecessary though, but he's a content creator at the end of the day.

skibidiyesyes [#2]

people are just upset that replays still aren't a thing yet, and so is the ytber, idk what else to tell you. Riot should've made it a priority before the game's launch but didn't, 4 years passed and its still not out with no updates on it either (from my knowledge). You believe that it shouldn't be a priority to begin with but I strongly disagree, I've played games that have a replay system like LoL and CSGO in which I've frequently used to not only improve my gameplay but to also report, verify cheaters, funny shit, highlights etc.

That rant section from him is unnecessary though, but he's a content creator at the end of the day.

I use replay systems every day like in CS for the same things but I feel like most people don't. None of my friends do, they just have shadowplay on and use that instead. Could be me being a little narrowminded and only using anecdotal evidence.

cohnr [#3]

I use replay systems every day like in CS for the same things but I feel like most people don't. None of my friends do, they just have shadowplay on and use that instead. Could be me being a little narrowminded and only using anecdotal evidence.

Complete opposite for me but I get where you're coming from ig. Even then though, if a lot of people are and have been begging for it to come out, I doubt only 5% of people will frequently use it. Also a replay system isn't just gonna be used for a POV replay like with 3rd party software.

skibidiyesyes [#4]

Complete opposite for me but I get where you're coming from ig. Even then though, if a lot of people are and have been begging for it to come out, I doubt only 5% of people will frequently use it. Also a replay system isn't just gonna be used for a POV replay like with 3rd party software.

I'd really like to see Riot do an in-game poll and release the results just to know but they would never do that. I kinda wish Riot were more open in ways like that but I can also see why they aren't

cohnr [#5]

I'd really like to see Riot do an in-game poll and release the results just to know but they would never do that. I kinda wish Riot were more open in ways like that but I can also see why they aren't

That really wouldn't help your point though, I can guarantee you that poll is going to be inflated HEAVILY by people who'll use the system once then ditch it forever. Why would people deliberately not want additional and beneficial stuff for free?

skibidiyesyes [#6]

That really wouldn't help your point though, I can guarantee you that poll is going to be inflated HEAVILY by people who'll use the system once then ditch it forever. Why would people deliberately not want additional and beneficial stuff for free?

I meant a survey, mb, asking would they use it, how often, why they would use it, importance level out of 10, things they may have to sacrifice to get replay system out faster etc.

would never expect them to do it but would be cool to see the stats.

cohnr [#7]

I meant a survey, mb, asking would they use it, how often, why they would use it, importance level out of 10, things they may have to sacrifice to get replay system out faster etc.

would never expect them to do it but would be cool to see the stats.

I think you're putting way too much trust in this community to be honest lol


anyway riot is lazy as f

skibidiyesyes [#8]

I think you're putting way too much trust in this community to be honest lol

oh yeah 100% lmao


I doubt replay system will be used frequently for majority of player


let's be honest a replay is not making them much money compared to skins, agents, events, etc; so it makes sense that it has not been a prioriety. Like the original post said too they just listen to what the higher ups want. It's not like each dev just wakes up and decides what they want to add to the game today.


90% of players aren’t gonna even use replay system, its just a mob mindset and its pretty annoying especially when the replay bots start commenting on content creators’ videos/posts or vct posts

dual000 [#11]

I doubt replay system will be used frequently for majority of player

Except for those who want to get good, analyze their replays, pros, content creators, etc.

dual000 [#11]

I doubt replay system will be used frequently for majority of player

yeah for casuals,which this game is designed for sadly

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