You might be wondering in the VS vs F4Q grand finals of Challengers stage 3 in Korea.
Why isn't Lakia playing?
Why isn't Rb playing?
First let's understand why Rb isn't on Jett. Well. Um. Rb is not the best Jett actually. There are quite a few players in Korea who are just objectively better Jett mains. And in this roster. BuZz currently takes the Jett one trick role. And he just is a very good Jett.
So now let's tackle the second question. Why isn't Lakia playing. Honestly. I have no idea lmfao. I think it's just because he's new and they're integrating him on a few maps at a time and his agent pool is a little smaller than Rb's.
And with that previous answer. It practically also explains Rb's situation. Like Rb plays on half of the maps and Lakia plays on the other few because Lakia can't play Raze and Sage.
So currently Vision Strikers runs Lakia and Rb on these maps(REMEMBER THIS IS WITH VERY LITTLE DATA SO THIS WILL PROBABLY CHANGE):
Haven. Idk. They've been banning it more recently probably because they brushed up their Bind and Breeze so they are probably working on this map now. So they usually play Skye on this map. But they tried it once with Lakia and once with Rb. I wonder who will play this one.
Ascent. I mean. Lakia looks like the better Sova player here so I believe they'll put him in here. But who knows.
Bind. They seem to be running both Lakia and Rb here. With the Raze, Jett, Skye, Breach Combo which seems to be working. I think they'll keep this.
Breeze. I mean I only have them playing this once and it was against gongo prince so who knows if this is going to be their comp later. But Rb was playing Sova and Stax was playing Skye. I wouldn't be surprised to see Lakia slotted in here instead of Rb in the recent future.
Split. Probably Rb keeps playing here. Lakia doesn't know how to play Breach and I don't believe they'll run Breach, Skye TL style anyways. So they'll prob just take Rb on the Sage.
Icebox. Well Lakia plays the Sova here probably. But this was only the most recent game. But I'd be surprised to see them put Rb back on the Sova.
Thank you for reading this. Honestly there's a ton up in the air and we'll probably see a much different Vision Strikers at Masters. But this is why you might not see Rb on the Jett or Lakia not playing.