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Rob Moore a W person for not asking for a buyout cause he's technically losing money. Hope Pancada gets on a team


they kinda had to or the flame would be even worse than EG's situation, no team would pay his buyout rn, too big of a risk if things dont mesh

cartixuzi [#2]

they kinda had to or the flame would be even worse than EG's situation, no team would pay his buyout rn, too big of a risk if things dont mesh

EG flamed because they owed money

sentinels are fully within their right to hold a player to a signed contract

yall acting like bro was enslaved or he isnt getting paid to do nothing rn

EG players were literally being forced into pay cut


Idk why Rob Moore gets so much hate

Whenever I watch him he seems like one of the most genuine, king people in the scene

Asuna_Yuuki [#4]

Idk why Rob Moore gets so much hate

Whenever I watch him he seems like one of the most genuine, king people in the scene

W femboy

cboomer [#3]

EG flamed because they owed money

sentinels are fully within their right to hold a player to a signed contract

yall acting like bro was enslaved or he isnt getting paid to do nothing rn

EG players were literally being forced into pay cut

they weren't being forced to resign anything though. Everyone's contract expired sometime late Dec during the offseason, everyone on the roster still had plenty of time to just wait it out and find a new team which is what happened. SEN holding onto Pancada's buyout during the actual season would heavily increase the risk of him just not finding a team at all for the rest of 2024. I never implied that he was enslaved or anything lol.

Asuna_Yuuki [#4]

Idk why Rob Moore gets so much hate

Whenever I watch him he seems like one of the most genuine, king people in the scene

It's sentinels as a whole. No one is safe.

cartixuzi [#6]

they weren't being forced to resign anything though. Everyone's contract expired sometime late Dec during the offseason, everyone on the roster still had plenty of time to just wait it out and find a new team which is what happened. SEN holding onto Pancada's buyout during the actual season would heavily increase the risk of him just not finding a team at all for the rest of 2024. I never implied that he was enslaved or anything lol.

wow so pancada signed a contract, including a buyout and he has to uphold it?

W move from bobby moore but if someone signs a contract you're expected to uphold it and not cry. esports is just full of tears for people who make 6 figures playing video games smh

i repeat anyone who flames someone for upholding a contract is a child, same mfs who cry about "mid fans" but watch in their sweaty room on twitch from their house

cboomer [#8]

wow so pancada signed a contract, including a buyout and he has to uphold it?

W move from bobby moore but if someone signs a contract you're expected to uphold it and not cry. esports is just full of tears for people who make 6 figures playing video games smh

i repeat anyone who flames someone for upholding a contract is a child, same mfs who cry about "mid fans" but watch in their sweaty room on twitch from their house

idk what we're so upset about here though, if Pancada doesn't find a team with his buyout then where do you think his fans will point the blame to? I'm just being reasonable lol, SEN have already went through shit by benching him.

cboomer [#8]

wow so pancada signed a contract, including a buyout and he has to uphold it?

W move from bobby moore but if someone signs a contract you're expected to uphold it and not cry. esports is just full of tears for people who make 6 figures playing video games smh

i repeat anyone who flames someone for upholding a contract is a child, same mfs who cry about "mid fans" but watch in their sweaty room on twitch from their house

league minimum is 4200 and most are making 5-8k monthly most likely with some clouted players making the 10-15 range
so most are close to 100k but not really there

Asuna_Yuuki [#4]

Idk why Rob Moore gets so much hate

Whenever I watch him he seems like one of the most genuine, king people in the scene

I think bro has adhd but yeah he seems cool

kaninv [#10]

league minimum is 4200 and most are making 5-8k monthly most likely with some clouted players making the 10-15 range
so most are close to 100k but not really there

pancada is making 6 figures, not gonna argue with you

Asuna_Yuuki [#4]

Idk why Rob Moore gets so much hate

Whenever I watch him he seems like one of the most genuine, king people in the scene

exactly he loves his job and is doing the best for his team

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