Flag: Vietnam
Registered: February 20, 2024
Last post: October 12, 2024 at 1:51 PM
Posts: 93
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not to mention mvp wins a watch as well so a chance to get 2 watches if your team win and you mvp

posted 4 months ago

bring back Sen Marved or Sen pANcada

posted 5 months ago

Karmine Corp

posted 6 months ago

Why bring this up again when it was yesterday news and she was basically making an assumption that Korea polluted air cause by China pollution. Whether it is true or not is something that doesn't need to be said.

posted 6 months ago

Off of Tarik stream alone, Sen vs GenG rematch top at around 135k-140k views so I would imagine Sen vs DRX would be around the same. This is just basing off Tarik's stream alone.

posted 6 months ago

12-5 and 10-2 sadly

posted 6 months ago

GenG should still be the favorite but SEN has a chance like any other team if they just play normal comps. SEN just need Lotus, Sunset, or Bind to go through to have a chance. Just hoping the rematch is more competitive than the first one regardless of the outcome.

posted 6 months ago

Sen has a chance if they go back to running default meta comp and if FPX let either Lotus or Sunset through. If not it could easily be FPX 2-0.

posted 6 months ago

I think FNS mention that he prefer to watch alone so he can concentrate on the match and give his analysis to his chat. He said the only person he would watch party with is s0m but its not going to be every single watch party.

posted 6 months ago

I think its base on who's playing and how the game is going. He definitely pays more or most attention when Sen is playing. You could chalk it up to him being sign to Sen but I think he genuinely is invested in them playing. Other than that he tends to hype up the matches himself and when the game actually plays and it doesn't go the way he think he should have he tend to lose interested. Case and point, G2 vs PRX and FUT vs EDG. He thought the games were suppose to be banger but in the end it wasn't as competitive as the score is shown.

posted 6 months ago

I hope m80 win it this year. If Juicy can go back to back ascension winner in APAC, it'll be cool to see neT winning back to back ascension in America.

posted 7 months ago

Thanks for all the replies, was really hoping if it comes down to it, they would play a Bo1 and the map would be random. That would have been a lot more fun.

posted 7 months ago

According to Liquipedia, both 100T and G2 have 11 points at the moment. If Sen beat 100T today and then go on to beat G2 after. G2 goes down to lower and lose as well. Top 3 would be Lev, Sen, and Either Kru or Cloud9 (just an example). Fourth team would qualify by points, so between 100T and G2, which team would most likely go to champs?

posted 7 months ago

That's if bilibili can make international themselves because they've been looking horrendous

posted 9 months ago

You don't know that for sure. Kyedae has cancer and yes that is terrible but you don't know how bad Katarina condition is.

posted 9 months ago

he is definitely not B- or C+ Jett. If you are looking at just 2024 alone, Zekken jett has look better than Demon1 jett so far.

posted 9 months ago

I agree and I'm sure he wants to compete but why rejoin a losing team when the point is to win and make masters and champs? He could just wait until off season to rejoin and work on improving the team for 2025.

posted 9 months ago

His stock is not dropping anytime soon and I think it will definitely hurt him more if he does rejoin and they don't show any sign of improvement. s0m is definitely a tier 1 player but what NRG needs right now is an actual IGL.

posted 9 months ago

It's a lose lose situation for s0m if he does go back to NRG for split 2. Even if NRG go 5/5, their chances of making champs is not guarantee. No point in him going back to NRG unless they offer him more than before. This goes for FNS too if both him and s0m is a package deal.

posted 9 months ago

People rooting for FPX = People hating on FUT

Does that mean People rooting for FUT = People hating on FPX?

It's like you're not allow to root for a team over the other.

posted 9 months ago

Yeah, its a shame not seeing him and s0m competing but he should be happy since he's raking in so much more now from streaming than he was competing.

posted 9 months ago

upvote just for Le Cordon Bleu

posted 9 months ago

What kind of ad blocker are you using because I have ad block and I still get ads

posted 9 months ago

If you are trying to imply that victor and crashies are better than s0m and FNS you are delusional.

posted 9 months ago

I'm convinced Sentinels are like the mythical creature Hydra. Cut 1 head down 2 more grow. (a metaphor for their chances of qualifying for playoff)

posted 9 months ago

i think they just need to win 1 map or if they get 2-0 they need to get more than 12-14 rounds total between 2 maps

posted 9 months ago

That's exactly what I thought before during the sentinels vs nrg game during kickoff when FNS joked about replacing everyone when they were losing on split and he said after that the team is already perfect and who is there to replace.

posted 9 months ago

Can TL make playoff at all if they somehow manage to stomp M8 2-0 with 13-0/5 in both map? not saying it will happen just wondering if they can make up the map/round diff.

posted 9 months ago

Yes but at least this year they have an actual competent igl who can help coming up with new strats and anti strats

posted 9 months ago

As well as GSP and DJ

posted 9 months ago

Pretending to be bad huh. Both NRG fans and SEN fans copium is on another level

posted 9 months ago

The fact that there hasn't been a video for another pro is a little telling. He could have made one for Asuna already and I'll be shock if there isn't one for Yay this upcoming offseason if he doesn't get back to form.

posted 9 months ago

Even if 100T manage to beat NRG it won't be 2-0 which is what SEN needs to happen

posted 9 months ago

like 1% or less. they would need NRG and G2 to get 0-2 and blown out

posted 9 months ago

I wouldn't even be mad if Sen does miss Shanghai which is probably will happen. It will give them a chance to take a mental break from the game and prep for split 2 and champs. This could be a blessing in disguise for them.

posted 9 months ago

its going to be close between sen nrg and g2 all comes down to the final match up next week

nrg play 100T
sentinels play furia
g2 play loud

posted 9 months ago

I think you meant f0rsaken is just better

posted 9 months ago

He might as well since his stock drop significantly after joining bleed and all the drama that is happening surrounding him.

posted 9 months ago

I was thinking the same thing the moment SEN lost to EG yesterday. It reminded me of 2023 when SEN beat Furia but needed to 2-0 them but couldn't so they needed EG to 2-0 NRG but couldn't and they ended up not making Tokyo.

posted 10 months ago

That be pretty hype. I would like to see more duelist agent being use especially in NA

posted 10 months ago

This seems to be the same issue with SEN when Marved was the igl aside from role issue. I feel like if you never igl before and you are force to IGL, its not going to go well. Given time, I'm sure Ethan will get better but right now unless Demon1 can aim diff everyone like Aspas, it's going to be hard for NRG to progress.

posted 10 months ago

I just think there was no need for SEN to tweet that out at all seeing how they didn't even play NRG. If they had played NRG, sure friendly banter on either side but it was LEV that played NRG and beat them and SEN goes and tweet that is pretty distasteful

posted 10 months ago

That a team can make 1-2 roster change that can make or break the team.

Cloud9 didn't make Madrid so they drop Jakee and Whippie and brought back Runi and added Moose and now they are undefeated
Kru didn't make Madrid so they drop mta and added Heat and now they are undefeated

G2 drop NeT and added Icy do not look any better
Furia drop liazzi and added nzr do not look any better

posted 10 months ago

I see them going 1/3 or 2/3 in their next 3 matches. As bad as Loud look so far, I still see it going 50/50. I can see them beating 100T, and I don't see them beating LEV with how LEV is playing.

posted 10 months ago

Unless Boostio can play raze, -victor +boostio wouldn't make any sense cause after today showing, demon1 sure as hell cannot be put on raze anymore

posted 10 months ago

I think switch out crashie and victor for FNS and s0m would be huge for NRG. FNS can be igl and ethan can just go back to being a flex player without the burden of calling

posted 10 months ago

I mean if you were to compare to the 2 teams, NRG has 2 2023 champs and 3 2022 masters winner compare to LEV. On paper, NRG would look more like a super team compare to LEV.

posted 10 months ago

They'll make playoff, they just won't be 1st seed and have to go through the knockout stage first

posted 10 months ago

Never heard anyone called Tarik L Diablo. How did that come to be? Also Marved is Ice man not mr ice

posted 10 months ago

ring ring, TenZ would like a chat

posted 10 months ago
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