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Why are people saying they're trolling by dropping those 2 guys? Why are you rating them so highly?

Like i get it you hate yay, he has been the worst player on the team and i get that.
The game vs GE was not just yay's problem, if yay had 20k+ every map they'd still lose that game, the calling was horrible, even though i like crazyguy, but even through their run last year the calling was never impressive.

So switching one of the smartest and best controllers itw if not the best right now to igl, is not such a bad idea.
Egoist hasn't been impressive either.
Just to remind you, this team should at least qualify for one international event this year, and with crazyguy and egoist it was never gonna happen even if they drop yay for whoever player you think is the best possible fit.
Yay couldn't shoot back and that's for sure, but these 2 guys are not players that will get you to Masters and Chanps either, with all due respect.

So no, i doubt BLEED is trolling, they have high expectations for this year that they're never reaching with Egoist and crazyguy as IGL.


They are panicking too much because of the 2 year thing bro


? if y0y had 20 kills instead of 6 in a 11-13 game...🗿🗿

acels2 [#3]

? if y0y had 20 kills instead of 6 in a 11-13 game...🗿🗿

You lost 8-4, on ct side split. That's a team's problem.

ZettGundam [#2]

They are panicking too much because of the 2 year thing bro

It's not even the 2 year thing, they should be a top team in pacific, just like G2 should be a top team in AMERICAS, and if they can't reach that they need to make changes.


2 games into a season is WAY too early to be making roster moves this big. Also you have to consider that these players grinded for a whole year to get Bleed as an org into the VCT which gives the org so much publicity and potential to grow, only to drop them. Yes one of them 'retired' but I am almost certain is was because he was benched. It feels like a betrayal of sorts

Hidero_ [#6]

2 games into a season is WAY too early to be making roster moves this big. Also you have to consider that these players grinded for a whole year to get Bleed as an org into the VCT which gives the org so much publicity and potential to grow, only to drop them. Yes one of them 'retired' but I am almost certain is was because he was benched. It feels like a betrayal of sorts

Only crazyguy has grinded for a whole year, and as i said if you watched ascension you'd know that his igl'i ng is not top tier even though he can shoot.
And 2 games is all you get, you have 5 more to get some points for champs, and if you f*ck up the 1st split, your only hope to get to chanos is to win 2nd split.
So 2/12 games where you lost TO F#CKING GE, is enough to make some changes, you can't lose to GE in an elimination game bro, that's just very low.

Jeffo [#7]

Only crazyguy has grinded for a whole year, and as i said if you watched ascension you'd know that his igl'i ng is not top tier even though he can shoot.
And 2 games is all you get, you have 5 more to get some points for champs, and if you f*ck up the 1st split, your only hope to get to chanos is to win 2nd split.
So 2/12 games where you lost TO F#CKING GE, is enough to make some changes, you can't lose to GE in an elimination game bro, that's just very low.

GE isn't even that bad of a team imo. They have the right pieces, they just need to make it work. Are they competing for a spot at an international event, probably not, but this could be a team in the middle of the table which get some decent upsets


Lmao his igling was decent last year, not that top tier but still very good. He shut down Jemkin's reyna on bind and read scarz like a book in that final, he was even the my/sg split 2 mvp. The result was apalling in kickoff but kicking the igl who gave them the ticket to franchise is just absurd

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