Where is el diablo ending up? Yayster is going where?
Yea quite frustrating to see him not play given that people have been hyping him up so damn much , I was looking forward to ABX and hoping they'd qual so I could really see what difference he can make in pro play , he's already proven to be a great player , but what more , felt like we could've gotten the answer , but ABX just couldn't make it through .
That's a speculation or do you have any reliable source to back that up ? or just that they need him and he would fill the role required well , of course he could go there as well , but there's nothing certain unless he gets signed . In any case I don't really know where he will go for sure , I'm just quoting what a reliable source said , someone who has been reporting roster moves ,in NA specifically, with exceptional accuracy for quite a while now , in the Valorant scene.I think another reporter was also there in the chat with George , forgot his name , but he said that he's gotten the news that yay will go to ghost as well.