I've had troubles climbing ranks before and i've this problem now too. Please rate my gameplay and honestly tell me what rank you think i deserve.
wifiskeleton #guap
I've had troubles climbing ranks before and i've this problem now too. Please rate my gameplay and honestly tell me what rank you think i deserve.
wifiskeleton #guap
Poge [#6]but i would say you are diamond 2 with ascendant mmr and immo potential but you dont play enough
thank you braško
Number_1_Sheydos_Fan [#5]Basing off ur stats:
Play more raze
Play more games
Download aimlabs/buy kovaaks and take a pros aim routine (i use a modified version of prx somethings kovaaks routine)
hmm thank you
idaVAL [#15]goldish maybe low plat
Bruh if gold players played like that everyone on the site would be complaining more. This is more like mid diamond tbh