TL;DR: Riot employees are not competent or I am the yapper of the year
The employees at riot thought it would be a good idea to have a season start in the middle of February, and end in mid September which is 7-8 months. Then state that they couldn't and just will not fit more matches into an international split. I've seen better proposals from VLR users and VLR users are known for being stupid.
In the format that they have cooked up, each team plays 5 matches a split against half the partnered teams. You could have a team like KRU get lucky in 1 split, make their way to Masters but crash out of the second split because they actually faced competent teams. In a normal single round robin format, they would not qualify and let actual teams into international LANs.
"oh but burnout is a problem", yes. Yes it is. 1 match a week for 5 weeks a split is not burnout. In all essence, 1 international split with a single or even double round robin like some LoL circuits would be better then whatever this is and have a bracket styled / smaller split before or after.
The employees working on VCT and the whole esports scene in general needs to get their act together before everything falls apart.
All you need to do is give the season 2 more months, and you can have a competent circuit. Still a 3 month off-season and still time to play favourites to league.
Oh and guess what, Riot can get more money from sponsors over a longer season. Win-Win for everyone.