Like how NA is Nearest Airport or EU being Easily Upset, what is do you call EMEA and APAC
Nachtel [#3]there isn't any north african teams in VCT bro riot scammed us EMEA is still basically EU.
Typical Spaniards, taking those spots for themselves
what fucking north african teams do u wanna see lmfao
asdfgh [#6]what fucking north african teams do u wanna see lmfao
team Kizma is a good maroccon team i heard
maybe scream should join 🐐
geometrix [#4]EMEA: Exit Match Enter Airport
APAC: Already Packed And Coping
Airport around corner no?
asdfgh [#6]what fucking north african teams do u wanna see lmfao
at this point I wouldn't be surprised if the government of Rwanda sponsored their own esports team