EDG has had some challenges with trace esports last Act so
3-2 EDG against Challenger approaching
I doubt this will be an easy match for EDG. They looked solid against FPX, and Chichoo really popped off on Sunset. I hope to see much of the same from them and I hope RA can replicate the performance that saw them past EDG a day ago. Regardless, I still think that EDG will get their hands on the trophy eventually. I'm looking forward to an entertaining match.
3-2 EDG win.
Against fpx edg looked awful on haven and then somewhat shaky in the other maps despite good scorelines, getting bailed out of rounds by aim diffing and clutching hard. I think that ra will have an easier time than fpx punishing these poor edg rounds with better mechanics and protocol and won't let as many rounds slip. I think ra 3-1 edg