choosing PRX over GE
Winning > Money
FDWC- [#8]but GE can offer him more money to stay
texture asked for more money and was denied so i dont think ge would have said yes
kirito5133 [#12]texture asked for more money and was denied so i dont think ge would have said yes
texture was probably already on a very high salary, why do you think he joined ge in the first place? to win? hahaha
siphonval [#13]texture was probably already on a very high salary, why do you think he joined ge in the first place? to win? hahaha
that can be said for monyet as well. we dont know their salaries
kirito5133 [#14]that can be said for monyet as well. we dont know their salaries
Monyet did not have other opportunities, GE was the one to give him a chance in tier1, which was said by both their ceo and monyet on stream
kirito5133 [#14]that can be said for monyet as well. we dont know their salaries
Monyet is more successful in GE than Texture, playing controller is not easy while T3xture is using duelist. Look at
This ranking show Monyet 4th under Something Davai and Mako
Ullyr [#3]I mean who would pick GE over PRX ? LOL
You want lifelong pension you can stay in ge once you choose ge and wish not to leave it you will be permanent till death meanwhile prx aint any org besides valorant so it is pretty much you in main roster or out
chicagokyoto [#11]coba pemain jago indo mindset nya kaya dia, ga ada tuh joki akun bertebaran dimana mana :')
Realistis sih bang, sebenernya w juga benci joki. Lu punya skill radiant atau immo. Tapi lu kalah lawan radiant yg lain, lu juga gagal kompetitif atau sibuk urusan lain.
Butuh uang? Biar ga sia sia main valo ya ngejoki aja
Sama aja kaya lu punya skill lu gunain buat kebutuhan lu yaitu uang. Tapi w berdoa biar joki hilang sistem valo upgrade untuk hilangin joki
ahmdkla [#18]Realistis sih bang, sebenernya w juga benci joki. Lu punya skill radiant atau immo. Tapi lu kalah lawan radiant yg lain, lu juga gagal kompetitif atau sibuk urusan lain.
Butuh uang? Biar ga sia sia main valo ya ngejoki aja
Sama aja kaya lu punya skill lu gunain buat kebutuhan lu yaitu uang. Tapi w berdoa biar joki hilang sistem valo upgrade untuk hilangin joki
ya gua juga ga ngelarang buat realistis atau apa, gua cuma mengkaitkan kalo lu jago dan punya mindset pengennya juara kompetitif ya joki bakalan jarang, cuma itu. kaga niat ngelebar kemana-mana. gua juga paham kali kalo ada yg jago tapi sehari2 main di warnet, otomatis butuh pemasukan juga dari joki.
ahmdkla [#16]Monyet is more successful in GE than Texture, playing controller is not easy while T3xture is using duelist. Look at
This ranking show Monyet 4th under Something Davai and Mako
Exactly! You can find people like texture all Tier 2. But getting a cracked controller is very hard to find. Which is why players like Mako, Marved, Mindfreak are respected so much. Cracked Controllers have the ability to change the game and make crazy plays.