Do PRX ban Haven or Fracture?

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first point can also be said for EG.

All teams know how to counter other teams through anti stratting and I even said that so I don't understand what you mean by this second point.

They don't really anti strat and eg change everything up each time they play fracture if you ever watch them play so the amount of footage doesn't mean anything. eg are better at fracture so why would u pick the mao in which you are obviously predicted to lose whereas haven it's a question mark like you said so it's way more 50/50.


EG beat TL on Haven at masters Tokyo. Also, even if EG changes up how they play, the comp has been the same. And by now there's pattern of how they play, regardless of changes. But that's not really the point. The point is, leaving Haven open is a risk even against EG, and fracture is winnable.

But look we'll see if PRX trust their Haven enough, I guess.

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