jemkin, kr1stal, nats, redgar, trexx thoughts?
We winning the dallas aim competition with this one 🔥🔥
That roster wouldn’t win VCT game changers 😹😹 and I could duo Q with my diamond friend and win that free cash tournament
Winning with less structure than ranked
tell your diamond friend to trial for Karmine corp
Why would you need 2 IGLs?
even better,-redgar + shao or suy
W ashed list
This is just the mid of Russian talent
put jemkin on reyna
Just thought of a crazy roster of players but they are pretty low-key so i dont know if it would be done by an org but you have to hmo
i forgot about sheydos, he needs to return to his old glory, I feel like hes struggling on english speaking teams.
not gonna happend cuz riot hate russia, so please stop with this bullshit 5 russia players thread.
man can dream.