Why is it only apac that play like this?
these guys dont think whenever they play. the only way to win is to disrespect smokes play cringe guns 3 man push no info
Earthspirit [#10]yeah, imagine they are playing with their brain yea?
tennn literally just ran into a brim molly then ate a raze nade?
show me his brain
acels2 [#11]https://www.vlr.gg/220294/natus-vincere-vs-edward-gaming-champions-tour-2023-masters-tokyo-elim-a
You gonna keep yapping after Giants send you home?
MrBaye35 [#14]You can lose only a few rounds to braindead plays. If you lose the match, you are braindead
plat take
PooFaceCe [#16]plat take
oh no I can't counterplay smoke pushes and one trick guns, but I surely deserve radiant and my enemy is silver braindeads
MrBaye35 [#18]oh no I can't counterplay smoke pushes and one trick guns, but I surely deserve radiant and my enemy is silver braindeads
?????? You definitely haven't scrimmed a game in ur life if u think "smoke pushes" and "one trick guns" are realistically something you can only slip up to a few times in a game, even if they're executed well (which in this case they're executed professionally).
PRXRoach [#21]Cringe guns ☠️ you sound like those guys in rank who cries anytime they die to an odin or judge
lmao i dont care what gun people use in ranked. but pro players who play 12 hours a day only being able to win by cheesing?
Congo1 [#13]You gonna keep yapping after Giants send you home?
giants sent themselves home good prediction