idk why 4 people have to vait for a new teammate, or one has to leave. just for 1 random guy. it doesnt make any sense. i hate that me and my 3 friends cant play together. riot needs to change it so that 4 stack becomes a thing again.
one of my worst expriences in cs/ow1 at the beginning was qing solo and ending up with a 4/5 stack that would no comm and just use discord the entire time
get another friend, go to LFG discord and find a 5th, that 1 soloq person shouldn't be fucked.
Nah disagree
I get annoyed too by having to find a 5th, but I would much rather do that then end up with a 4 stack next time I solo q and get stuck with a bunch of people acting like clowns and not comming