What do you like doing while drowning yourself with some loser liquid? Me personally I just listen to music, or watch sone kdrama or whatever youtube bull there is on :3
weeds pretty chill man, maybe its just cause I live in canada but its very normalized here, everybody smokes weed.
also you can argue marijuana is less harmful to the body and less addictive than alcohol and tobacco.
Well I’m only saying it cause it’s illegal here. Any drugs is treated like meth here. So I’d rather never try it and know how it feels than feeling it once and crave it lolz
Watching stuff all day really aint more productive then partying tbh. Watching you tube usually is a waste of time tbh.
Going out for drinks and shit is quiet a good way to socialise with others, and it usually is very fun. Got my first gf cuz I met her at a party and we played a drinking game.